Hello , after lot of learning , testing ,
problems, crashes of pc and working on uvs , textures and all ...
Here is what I could manage to do ...
Here is the earlier WIP thread :
http://polycount.com/discussion/169587/spaceship-hardsurface-subdivision-polymodeling-learning-and-help#latestHere are some images.....
Please be nice

and tell me everything that is good or bad about modeling , composition , texturing and so on that you can tell me about those images , how would you rate them what would you have done different or change or that is not good..... and may be if you think that it could be or not a good portfolio piece. I spent almoust two months working on this and I followed most of the lessons for high poly modeling by online sources learning the tricks and the workflow .
Those images are huge 5000 px so right click to visualize and enlarge


I'm not an expert at precalculated render, so I probably won't be the best guy to offer constructive criticisms for you. I would say two things are a bit annoying though:
- The reflections look a bit weird. They're sometimes quite noisy and look "basic". The right part on the ship in the second screenshot especially.. I'm not sure which renderer you are using here and why that is, but I would expect something more refined.
- The ship and the little guys look really cool, and the idea of placing context is neat. Sometimes the background doesn't really work as well however, and it's a bit unfortunate. Portfolio are judged on the weakest link too, and in this case the environments are sometimes reducing the quality of your work on the ship. The 2D integration is not perfect all the times, the material definition is sometimes strange (ground in the last two screenshots is super reflective without water and is used on airship base, what is it exactly? ^^), the perspective seems sometimes confusing (desert scene, and the frontal one where I'm not too sure how big the ship is with those lights on the foreground).
It's nitpicking a bit, but that's the unfortunate rule of portfolio as people will focus more on the weaker links and remember that. You could also try to do some cool render using only the ship and the little guys such as this concept:
It adds to the presentation and gives a sense of scale without requiring massive work on the background. Simple but efficient! But overall good job on finishing the ship again, it pays off in the end.
The backgrounds are all PS work , so there too I am not a matte painter expert
the ground in last ones would have had to be a wet asphalt
the planet is done basically in photoshop , but I used several programs ot make the map from fractal terrain up to grand designer.
So to resume are all to be "hidden" and do something else as PF or something is salvageable
How bout that?
Dunnowhy when I save from PS in Srgb the images when uploaded seems darker
For the presentation I would go with a more the last version, so the background didn't distract from the model itself.
Maybe some nice close up shots of interesting areas as well as "normal only" and wireframe shots would be nice for a presentation.
What do you use for rendering?