Hi guys! I'm starting a new project, I wanted to try making a full game character, some basic animations for it, maybe some props and get it working in Unity. So I thought that I'll document the process here

and hopefully get some critique!
I'm getting pretty happy with the base now so I'll probably start sculpting some details next. I'm prretty inexperienced with sculpting so that could take a while.
The textures right now are just something I threw in there to help separate different parts easier.
If you have any comments or ideas or worries I'd love to hear about them!
I'm starting to feel pretty good about the textures now, it still needs some small adjustments here and there but it's getting there ^^ any suggestions for this stage are of course very welcome.
These pictures are screenshots straight from Unity, I'm using albedo-, normal-, ao- and metallic-maps.
Next up is rigging and animating, I'll be making animations in Maya so hopefully I'll get them to work in Unity smoothly! Kinda nervous, but I'm having so much fun with this project :pleased:
Looks like a good start, what you could add is maybe a few color stripes and symbols.
It is an easy thing to add and I think it'll do a lot.
Gonna be interesting to see her move around, keep at it!
Walking animation can be found here:
Hi everyone and thank you for all of your comments! I finally got this thing forward and I even got excited enough that I wanted to give her a ride too