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Portfolio critique requested

polycounter lvl 2
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George Goslin polycounter lvl 2
Hey everyone,

I just separated from the military and I'm trying to get my portfolio in order so I can send it out. I'm changing career fields so I really need to get some honest feedback so I can improve. Any advice is welcomed and appreciated. Thanks!


  • QOR_082
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    QOR_082 polycounter lvl 3
    Hi. I like your work. It is promising. The tiles and most of the modelling stuff look real. You should now pay attention to detail to elements like the wall painting and the yellow stripes. Take a look at reference, most of the real stuff look used, broken, uneven, etc... Those little details will enhance your work.

  • dand3d
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    dand3d polycounter lvl 12
    So, I am not an environment artist as such I will not critique your work, but your portfolio website.
    First thing, the good. You put your art work right in my face. You did not make me hunt it down at all. That is very good!
    Ok now for the things I would say that should be improved...
    Your website is super super wide. My screens are not thin at all and even at full width the whole page horizontally would not fit on my screen. Make the page less wide, this could be accomplished by taking the navigation widget on the left and incorporating it to the top of the page maybe under the banner. 
    I see that your most recent art work has your contact info on it, good! Do that to the rest of your art as well on your page. As people who look at portfolios will save images of people they like and might want to hire, but if said image does not have contact info on it they might forget where the image came from and pass on you.
    Lastly I would remove the WW2 German barrels and the SCAR rifle from the site all together. The biggest thing I have to say about people who hire is, they will only remember you for your worst piece never for your bestBecause of this remove those two props that I mentioned before as they do not in my opinion correctly show your ability at this moment, but your ability when you first started.

    Welp that is all I have for you. Hope I was some what helpful at least a bit. 
  • George Goslin
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    George Goslin polycounter lvl 2
    Thanks for the crits guys. I'll start making some changes. If you see anything else, let me know!
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