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Substance Painter, Substance Designer, and Substance B2M now free to all students and teachers

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Geezus mod

From the release:
Starting today, all students and teachers are eligible for FREE personal licenses for all Substance software: Substance Painter, Substance Designer, and Substance B2M! Learn more: https://www.allegorithmic.com/education


  • Eric Chadwick
    Awesome move Allegorithmic.
  • JZak
    Offline / Send Message
    JZak polycounter lvl 12
    Agreed, very cool.  Thank you for getting the word out.
  • Zitch
    Offline / Send Message
    Zitch polycounter lvl 8
    Sweet! Just informed my old teachers!  =) 
  • kolayamit
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    kolayamit polycounter lvl 13
  • demigodssw
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    demigodssw greentooth
  • pior
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    pior grand marshal polycounter
    Congratulations on a great move, Allegorithmic ! Only good things can come out of this.
  • jaker3278
    Offline / Send Message
    jaker3278 polycounter lvl 8
    Nicely done. Should provide thousands of students with a quality tool. 
  • bounchfx
  • Zalek4
    Offline / Send Message
    Zalek4 polycounter lvl 5
    This is the best thing I've heard all summer.
  • Drocho
    Offline / Send Message
    Drocho polycounter lvl 2
    Oh, this is perfect. I'll be getting right on that for sure.
  • gfelton
    Offline / Send Message
    gfelton polycounter lvl 6
    This is awesome! Just saved me some good money! :)
  • theironpaw
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    theironpaw polycounter lvl 7
    Boss. Going to help a lot of teachers and students adopt the software on top of Substance Live, also introduce a whole new pool of talent building the already existing community. 
  • Kwramm
    Offline / Send Message
    Kwramm interpolator
    Great news! Allegorithmic is one of the companies that really got their licensing right
  • PattyWhacker
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    PattyWhacker polycounter lvl 8
    This would've been awesome if I were still a college student. Ah well, I hope courses from my former university jump on board with these programs. 
  • Eternal Black
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    Eternal Black polycounter lvl 4
    I got really mixed feelings about this. I just recently finished my M.Sc in Computer Science (you can say, what is a computer scientist doing with 3D software anyway? My answer would be: I'm the one coding the software [i.e. the software you are using], so you can use it, so I need to know how others do their stuff) and at the time I bought all of the Allegorithmic software even though I was a student at the time... So, basically students can afford that if they are really interested.
    Not saying providing it for free is a bad thing. It will possibly enrich the community. Call it "being jealous", but it feels kind of unfair to me. Had the same thing with Unreal Engine 4... Also payed for it while I was a student back in the days where there was a subscription model.
    I tossed so much money (and I'm talking multiple thousands [Adobe CS6, ZBrush, Quixel, Keyshot, Marmoset, Allegorithmic, Speedtree etc.]) towards 3D software companies and worked hard to be able to do that when I was a student and now everyone get's everything for free. Really feels somewhat unfair... And in the case of Unreal, all I got is a flooded Marketplace with mostly a bunch of crap (from wannabe artists) or overpriced stuff. Some free stuff too of course but to me this feels like "Hey, let's provide something for the hipsters, so everyone can call themself artist even though they know **** about that and let's **** up the the whole jobmarket too with those people". (No offense!)

    I really don't like where this is going in the long term...
  • ExcessiveZero
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    ExcessiveZero polycounter lvl 12
    I got really mixed feelings about this. I just recently finished my M.Sc in Computer Science (you can say, what is a computer scientist doing with 3D software anyway? My answer would be: I'm the one coding the software [i.e. the software you are using], so you can use it, so I need to know how others do their stuff) and at the time I bought all of the Allegorithmic software even though I was a student at the time... So, basically students can afford that if they are really interested.
    Not saying providing it for free is a bad thing. It will possibly enrich the community. Call it "being jealous", but it feels kind of unfair to me. Had the same thing with Unreal Engine 4... Also payed for it while I was a student back in the days where there was a subscription model.
    I tossed so much money (and I'm talking multiple thousands [Adobe CS6, ZBrush, Quixel, Keyshot, Marmoset, Allegorithmic, Speedtree etc.]) towards 3D software companies and worked hard to be able to do that when I was a student and now everyone get's everything for free. Really feels somewhat unfair... And in the case of Unreal, all I got is a flooded Marketplace with mostly a bunch of crap (from wannabe artists) or overpriced stuff. Some free stuff too of course but to me this feels like "Hey, let's provide something for the hipsters, so everyone can call themself artist even though they know **** about that and let's **** up the the whole jobmarket too with those people". (No offense!)

    I really don't like where this is going in the long term...
    I know what you mean as I felt very stung the same with the UE4 subscription, it sucks when you have shelled out what can be significant money to help learn a skillset only to then have the next group of people who will be your direct competition get on it for free,  but overall I think it is a positive thing.
  • Chimp
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    Chimp interpolator
    I got really mixed feelings about this. I just recently finished my M.Sc in Computer Science (you can say, what is a computer scientist doing with 3D software anyway? My answer would be: I'm the one coding the software [i.e. the software you are using], so you can use it, so I need to know how others do their stuff) and at the time I bought all of the Allegorithmic software even though I was a student at the time...
    You're making tools, using Allego's work for reference - based on this I would say that you're not really a student use case, you're probably closer to a competitor tbh. You can't really moan, you're asking to use their work for your work, for free. You're not even using it to make assets so far as I can tell from what you've said -- you're literally just figuring out what they did so you can apply it to your own software?

    Also payed for it while I was a student back in the days where there was a subscription model.
    I tossed so much money (and I'm talking multiple thousands [Adobe CS6, ZBrush, Quixel, Keyshot, Marmoset, Allegorithmic, Speedtree etc.]) towards 3D software companies and worked hard to be able to do that when I was a student and now everyone get's everything for free. Really feels somewhat unfair... And in the case of Unreal, all I got is a flooded Marketplace with mostly a bunch of crap (from wannabe artists) or overpriced stuff.

    You bought unreal and all you actually got was a license to use a world-class engine.  

    "Hey, let's provide something for the hipsters, so everyone can call themself artist even though they know **** about that and let's **** up the the whole jobmarket too with those people". (No offense!)

    I really don't like where this is going in the long term...

    Um what? Where it's going is a proper, legitimate industry with proper accessibility to students. Yeah, it was certainly better when we had to throw down thousands - oh wait, thats exactly what you're moaning about - the fact you didn't get it for free but they did. Music students get given guitars, the rest of us have to buy them. I dont hate them for it, and all it's lead to is more music. You're pissed about fucking up the job market but all it means is that more people will be more prepared for jobs.

    I never had the opportunity to be a proper student and have access to these deals, but I certainly don't begrudge them of it, and I'm happy now, as an employer, that students will be using the tools that we use much earlier on, and therefore be better at them when they get to us. This is a good thing.

    Maybe you'd have been annoyed when Unreal went from costing hundreds of thousands to costing 20 quid a month too. That happened, and maybe you think that's fucked up the market too :/

    You aren't entitled to learn, or have fancy tools. Nobody owes you access to this stuff. It's worth millions by the standards of just a few years ago, and you get it for a couple of hundred quid, and some students get it free. Crime of the century.

  • AtticusMars
  • Zitch
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    Zitch polycounter lvl 8
    Chimp said:

    Um what? Where it's going is a proper, legitimate industry with proper accessibility to students. Yeah, it was certainly better when we had to throw down thousands - oh wait, thats exactly what you're moaning about - the fact you didn't get it for free but they did. Music students get given guitars, the rest of us have to buy them. I dont hate them for it, and all it's lead to is more music. You're pissed about fucking up the job market but all it means is that more people will be more prepared for jobs.

  • Phoenix995
    Offline / Send Message
    Phoenix995 polycounter
    Chimp said:
    You're making tools, using Allego's work for reference - based on this I would say that you're not really a student use case, you're probably closer to a competitor tbh. You can't really moan, you're asking to use their work for your work, for free. You're not even using it to make assets so far as I can tell from what you've said -- you're literally just figuring out what they did so you can apply it to your own software?

    You bought unreal and all you actually got was a license to use a world-class engine.  

    Um what? Where it's going is a proper, legitimate industry with proper accessibility to students. Yeah, it was certainly better when we had to throw down thousands - oh wait, thats exactly what you're moaning about - the fact you didn't get it for free but they did. Music students get given guitars, the rest of us have to buy them. I dont hate them for it, and all it's lead to is more music. You're pissed about fucking up the job market but all it means is that more people will be more prepared for jobs.

    I never had the opportunity to be a proper student and have access to these deals, but I certainly don't begrudge them of it, and I'm happy now, as an employer, that students will be using the tools that we use much earlier on, and therefore be better at them when they get to us. This is a good thing.

    Maybe you'd have been annoyed when Unreal went from costing hundreds of thousands to costing 20 quid a month too. That happened, and maybe you think that's fucked up the market too :/

    You aren't entitled to learn, or have fancy tools. Nobody owes you access to this stuff. It's worth millions by the standards of just a few years ago, and you get it for a couple of hundred quid, and some students get it free. Crime of the century.

    I'm totally on your side on this!

  • Fansub
    Offline / Send Message
    Fansub sublime tool
    Well said Chimp,well said :)

    Great move by Allegorithmic,we need more companies like this ! :)
  • getNerdGoCode
    Ok, how does this work? I went to the website and filled the form and hit submit button, but it only took me to the main page of the website. I am sorry, I am a noob and I need some guidance getting the license.

    Thank You!
  • JZak
    Offline / Send Message
    JZak polycounter lvl 12
    Yeah, now you just wait for an email.
  • getNerdGoCode
    JZak said:
    Yeah, now you just wait for an email.

    Ah, Thank you!!!!! You have restored my peace of mind!
  • Jerc
    Offline / Send Message
    Jerc interpolator
    If you don't end up getting the email, try registering using another browser. Firefox and Edge users seem to have issues with the form.
  • killerbyte
    This is a awesome move from Allegorithmic. Now to see what these students can come up with.
  • theanniehsu
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    theanniehsu polycounter lvl 2
    So happy about this!
  • garcellano
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    garcellano greentooth
    Awesome, happy to hear about this :+1:
  • ikruz98
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    ikruz98 polycounter lvl 4
    Allegorithmic!! YOU GUYS ARE amazing.. recently ran out of my subscription as i couldnt afford it but then i saw this post and this amazing move you guys did :D<3
  • NoRank
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    NoRank polycounter lvl 3
    Now that's something amazing! Even thought I do have one license, I couldn't share with people in my university lab, now maybe we can start to use it there. 
    As everyone said, awesome move Allegorithmic!
  • Tzur_H
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    Tzur_H polycounter lvl 9
    NoRank said:
    Now that's something amazing! Even thought I do have one license, I couldn't share with people in my university lab, now maybe we can start to use it there. 
    As everyone said, awesome move Allegorithmic!
    I don't think you can use this type of license at Uni, might want to go over the whole EULA for all programs in package..this is from Designer EULA:
    2.2.4 Restriction for Substance Designer Student License If You are a student/teacher enrolled with an accredited educational Institution You may request from Allegorithmic to be granted a personal Student License. A Student license should be used exclusively for learning, and cannot be used for Commercial Work.
    Any request for a Student License must be accompanied by a copy of Your valid student ID which shall be communicated to Allegorithmic at the time the request for Your Student License is made. Only one (1) Student License shall be granted per student per year for Use of the Software or Copyright Work solely from home and not from Your educational institution. There shall be no automatic renewal of a Student License. To renew a Student License after the expiration of the one (1) year term starting from the date the Student License was granted a student shall make an express request to Allegorithmic and enclose his/her new then-current student ID to evidence his/her student status. If an individual is not a student/teacher at the time the request is made s/he is not eligible to the grant of a Student License.
  • NoRank
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    NoRank polycounter lvl 3
    @Tzur_H It's not for a commercial work, it's more like a studying purpose stuff. But thanks for the heads up, I'll give it a better look to see if everything is correct.  :)
  • Teessider
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    Teessider polycounter lvl 11
    Nice one Allegorithmic! :+1:  
  • kanga
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    kanga quad damage
    Well done Allegorithmic!
    What Chimp said.
  • Poseidon8734
    Offline / Send Message
    Poseidon8734 polycounter lvl 6
    One of the best ideas! 
    I love to have the ability to use what professionals use!
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