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Portfolio : Assets making & stuff

polycounter lvl 7
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Yughues polycounter lvl 7
Hello everyone, I'm Yughues (also known as Nobiax on deviantart).
I do assets for Unity & UE4 (when I have the courage). I mostly creates textures and foliages assets. Not that I firmly decided to be an environmental artist specialized in plants, but living near a forest and fields helped, I guess ^^.

After years, I finally decided to register to polycount to show my stuff to get precious advices to be better at my work, and maybe ideas for futur assets ;)

As a perfectionnist I always struggle at making optimized assets which looks great/good. Someone explained me it wasn't  really my job, as an artist, to be that concerned about this technical part but... I'm a perfectionnist. xD
I want to provide as great as possible assets... which leads me to be unsatisfied of my work most of the time ^^;.

Here is my latest "realistic" released (on Unity) and for which I used this good technic :

All these modules are made of 2 meshes:
- a base using an opaque pattern
- the leafs using a single leaf texture (used for creating the pattern)

I tried to keep a small enough amount of leafs to have good looking modules & not heavy in tris. The heaviest is the longest wall with 2410 tris.

I used a system of particules to place the leafs and tweaked a few of them manually when needed.
I also used the script "NormalThief" to bend the normals of the leafs to match the normals of the base.
A single leaf is a square devided in 4 tris and has no backface to avoid useless overdraw (something I struggle a lot with).


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