I think you are talking about the left and right side of your mesh. For the two sides to match up you need to straighten them out so they are as parallel as possible. http://www.uvlayout.com/index.php?option=com_wrapper&Itemid=98 and go to the first straightening video. At least I think that is what you are after. Cheerio
Seams are a necessary evil. You either hide them/minimise them as best you can, paint over them in a 3d paint program, or use a triplanar texture solution (results depend on the nature of the texture)
There is nothing wrong with uvs outside of 0-1 area if you use tileable textures. Anyways, yeah, straightening them up would definitely help, especially if you can make it seamlessly tiling on whole tiling values. So the left side of the uv is on u0 and right side is on u1. Then it should tile seamlessly when using whole number tiling values.
@obscura straightening/aligning/snapping is fine for mech/hard surface unwraps, but not ideal for an organic island like this. The more you force it away from its natural relaxed state the more distortion will be a problem.
Thats correct. But the you can choose between stretching or a seam. Or go with a unique texture. Or you can do local or world box projection with a tiling texture.
Try to make your UV's as plain as possible the way computers like it and will save you alot of frustrations; if you don't know what I mean now, you will later.