I'm wondering if the tabs in photoshop could be loaded by the same DDO tabs order ?
It's not reaaaallly difficult to work as it is (albedo, gloss, normal, spec in DDO and not the same in photoshop), but if the tabs could be loaded the same order, it could speed up the workflow, i think

The second thing is the mouseover the quixel/mask window... it's very disapointing because i switch so much times between photoshop manual layers -> DDO -> import bitmap from external to toshop -> DDO mask -> etc
And every time my mouse point over the Dynamask window, it switch to the correspondant tab in toshop... but I don't want it ! So I need to turn around and it's so frustrating

If the Dynamask could switch IF i click the window, I would be really workflow time saver !
Thanks for your great job by the way !
Although it should be noted that DDO will simply switch documents for you as the tabs in DDO are clicked, so it may not be worth the effort to change on your end if it's working fine.
DynaMask will switch back to the *_Mask.PSD as needed - I can forward a request to change the behavior from mouseover to clicking.