Sounds like a silly question, but unsure of how to answer it myself.
If I am making a clothed character, do I delete the parts of the body hidden by clothes? For example, do I delete the legs if they are covered by pants? What do you guys suggest? I feel like it would save on your poly count. Also, if you do delete those hidden faces, would it be wise to append those meshes together or is it ok to keep them separate?
Would love to hear your suggestions on the matter, thanks

Hope that made sense.
Personally... I prefer to keep the parts un-welded so I can select by element HOWEVER I do match the mating topo exactly and snap the verts just as if it was welded. That way the skin weights are the same.
I would also keep a backup of the non-delete faces JUST in case. From experience I have had it bite me in the ass when someone says "Actually lets make those long sleeves short now" or "You know that camera angle you could never see before? Well you can now! Sorry!"