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Touble determining an appropriate URL/domain

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sadiejane null
Hey, all. First time posting here. :) My BF is an environmental designer, and I'm a photographer and graphic/web designer. He loves this site and the community so....he urged me to post my question here among all you artists.

I'm creating an online portfolio on the fly to quickly apply for a job with another company in the same industry I'm working now (photography printing business). The job is for a designer, but I have THAT experience as well as their "bonus skills" of photography education and some HTML knowledge.

The site I've been working on is just a simple, clean Squarespace site, to save time, but I still want to create/purchase a custom domain. The problem is, I can't come up with a URL I like. My last name is 10 letters, so sadiethibodeaux.com isn't gonna work. I don't want to stick myself into a box with something like sadietphotography.com either, because I like to do all of the above mediums.

The only one, so far, that we've come up with that I like is sjtdigitalart.com, but I'm not sold on that. Is sjt.com lame?

My full name is Sadie Jane Thibodeaux, fields are photography (commercial, mostly), graphic design, web design, and SOOOOOME programming.

Any suggestions are most appreciated. :)


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