Hello. I would like to ask You about some good tutorials about baking normal maps and ao maps. I know that I have google and YT but my experience with tutorials that I found by myself looks like this:
Type 1: Look ! Here is cube, and here is cube with chamfer aaaand We created perfect normal map !
Type 2: Look ! Here is ton of theory about ray casting and types of filtering AA and photons. No real models here.
Type 3: Look ! Here we have some pretty coplicated weapon thing, and I just created low poly for that in like 30 sec and I hit bake aaaaaand ... here it is, our normal map I will rotate now our object really fast so no one could notice bake errors and proceed to next step ^^
Of course I exagerrated it very much, and I have watched these tutorial and I am thankful to people who created them but my point is that, I want to learn how to bake complicated models as good as it is possible + I want to learn how can I repair bugs and errors that I encounter.
I know that baking normal maps is all about experience and making bad decisions and revising them but I would be really thankful for some tutorial which could save me some time and nerves :-)
If anyone know some good tutorial about baking normal and ao maps I will be very thankfull.
Thanks and Cheers !