Latest ~
He's finally done. This was by far and away my most ambitious project
I've ever attempted. I'm spent haha, time for a little break! Huge
thanks to everyone who commented, all the critiques, and everyone who
came to chill on twitch, it all helped a huge amount. I doubt i would
have seen this through without the feedback I got.
I made a fun
little vid using toolbag 3's new animation stuff, you can catch that
here - as always there's more pics on Artstation -
So this is a pretty huge project for me personally. Ever since i saw this piece by Adrian smith years ago i always wanted to make it but i knew i couldn't do it justice. Now i'm finally ready to bite the bullet and see if i can nail this.
Here's the concept, the single most badass piece of warhammer art there ever was

And here's where i'm at. Super early days yet but i want to get the thread rolling. Obviously the proportions of this guy are pretty insane but once the armor is on there it makes a lot more sense. I didn't spend too long on the anatomy as it's going to be mostly covered anyway, right now i'm trying to make sure everything fits and it all lines up with the concept. I'm just eyeballing it, i didn't bother to draw any orthos.

Feel free to crit it to death, even at this stage. I want this to be absolutely the best i can do

Anatomy crits on the arms are especially welcome as they will be partially uncovered in the final.
Thanks for looking!
I've been pushing on with the basic highpoly over the past 2 nights made some headway, trying to stick to the concept as closely as i can. Almost time to start some sculpt action, i can practically taste it. I'm also planning to spend some time this weekend checking proportions, make sure i'm on track before getting too detailed.
still heavy wip on the arms. anat crits especially welcome, dark denotes the areas that can't be seen so i'm not worring about those
I've been hitting some of the adornments and weapons tonight, got a bunch of stuff ready for sculpting. I also dropped the cash on quadchamfer today and HOLY SHIT. I dunno how i ever did HP without it.
For real though Engra is one of my favorite chaos warriors cover art of all time. Can't wait to see this done.
@gfelton It's just a great tool man. I think it's the flexibility it offers that i like more than any specific result that you can get from it. Like any tool it comes down to your own skill in the end. I'm no master of highpoly like pedro, perna, lesperance, tor (the list goes on) so I still get pinches and shit all over the place that i sometimes struggle to fix, need to up my hard surface game.
progress was frustratingly slow today. fixed a bunch of scale issues and some other boring junk. i don't wanna post without art tho so here's the sculpt base for that brutal ax.
Loose sculpt of the weapons is done, these guys need more details but i'll get to that later. I'll re-evaluate how much i like the blade of the sword and the face on the axe at that time, not a huge fan of either right now. Need to tweak some volumes i think. Happy with the pommel on the axe tho, came out just how i wanted. May need an extra tooth
latest WIP- just working on more accessories atm, not had a lot of time lately
the warhammer online guys made a pretty good model of him that I think you should check out (also you can see the legs there)!
anyway, today's efforts. only had a few hours to spare, but we got some rough handz on the go
The concept art form WAR was amazing, probably the best information for cannon designs out there. If you want some more fancy feet designs this one is pretty cool too. anyway, the hands look great, I know your far from done but maybe some more skinfolds on the finger joints could help ad some detail to the hands.
Great work so far.
@BucketOfNuggets Thanks dude! Appreciate it
@lotet I've been getting the withdrawl chills looking at all the WAR online models and concepts for reference haha. And yeah man I will be hitting up more details on the hands for sure, thanks!
@Mateus Dude, yeah, it's taking a while. Even so it feels slightly faster than my last piece because the design is already done. Faffing with design is the real time sink. Like these feet actually, come to think of it.
These fuckin feet. I had planned to sculpt up some of the severed head trophies he has tonight, but I spent so long trying to make a design for the feet that I liked... Finding something that fit with the existing concept and shape anguage, didn't look goofy/clown foot-ish AND also fit with the warhammer chaos vibe, without explicitly copying another design? After like 4 hours at it i only have this super basic thing because i kept trashing them, so I just stopped and turned in for the night. I'm still not sure about them but I prefer these to what I had before at least. Sleeeeeep
anyways, I am way to engaged into these feet designs. they are looking way better now, but I made a quick PO to maybe give you a suggestions.
I think they look a bit thin/flat, maybe adding a sort of "sole" could help thickening them up maybe? I like the front spike a lot, also couldn't resist adding some chaos markings on it xD
Other than the feet i've only had time to work on some of the fetishes, I've just been so busy lately. Here's some snaps of them as they are right now. Looking at the concept i can't tell if the 2nd one is what i made or actually a goblet of some kind. I went with a head but I may go back and change this later if i fall out with it. Experimented a little with fibermesh as well.
Some small progress. First pass of the bear pelt + cape combo, not totally satisfied yet. I've also spent a while putting lots of final level detail in to the shoulders and head that you totally can't see in this screenshot! I'm tempted to exaggerate the damage a little more but it might be too much when i bake. I think i just need to learn how to BPR better. I also figured out a chainmail micromesh for the backs of his knees which you totally can't see either! But i'll be using it elsewhere real soon
Things still to do :
Ive always had trouble getting fiber mesh looking any good, but that is looking pretty sweet!
as for the details, its better/easier to exaggerate stuff and tone it down later, then the other way around.
amazing , cant wait to see MORE!
Put in some more work on the arms tonight. I finished off the detail on the fleshy bits and added a strap which is maybe in the concept, maybe not.. but it helps that piece feel, well, strapped on
can't wait to see this textured
Mateus - I think I get what you mean and it depends on the program and the object, generally though I tend to work on pieces in their final position. If a piece is very symmetrical and I'm working in max I'll often build it off to one side, make an instance copy, position it then continue from there.
So, long time since the last update! I've been busy on a bunch of things (*cough* No Mans Sky) but since the last post I've almost completely finished off the legs, upperbody, most of the accessories and lots of other little bits and bobs. It's taking a long time to go in and a-symmetrically detail the whole thing, way longer than i thought it would. I could do it all in the textures but I want to do it in the sculpt mainly because I'd like to do a nice set of posed highpoly renders before I move on to the lowpoly. I also have a little pipe dream of sending this guy to ownage to get him printed, so I want there to be a ton of unique detail in there should that ever happen. But yeah, unique detail all over takes time. Lots and lots of it.
Anyway, enjoy this stupidly large BPR. If anyone has any recommendations about sweet matcaps for rendering with BPR I would love to hear, getting a nice result that shows off all the detail is kinda difficult.
Then, I would render the image with a few different materials, because different materials will bring out different features. After that, you can mix them in Photoshop to create a look you like. To finish off, you could throw on a gradient map to subtly colorize it.
Anyway, I'm really liking all the ornate details you're putting into this. Looking forward to see it finished!
How are you doing the gilding on the armor, like the arrows and rims of the shoulder pads and shin guards? Do you subD model to place and make them, or is it all in Zbrush still with extractions or something?
the siluette of the leg bothers me a lot though. way to streamlined and clean.
needs some edges between the armorplates
blue is old and red my suggestion.
good work otherwise!
as for some crits. the head hanging from his left shoulder pad is looking a tad weird I think. either the skin should be looser, or tighter, but right now your in some strange in between.
the next thing would be the goblet, thats not a goblet >,< I really think you should fix it. This model is probably the most accurate portrail of Engra out there, escept for the goblet. and I think its important that you display him "correctly" if you know what I mean.
here is an amazing piece of art I did to show what I mean :P
Other then that its looking awesome, keep it up!