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Portfolio Review

polycounter lvl 12
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Cglewis polycounter lvl 12
Hey guys,

Can y'all take a look at my portfolio and tell me what yall think?
I am contemplating scrapping 90% of it and keeping only the bad ju ju and the generator when its finished and going the small prop route 
but let me know what yall think :)


  • vertex_
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    vertex_ polycounter lvl 9
    Great work on high poly modelling. Textures are lacking across all assets. The weapon is well done but with some more texture work it could be outstanding. The wear/tear needs a lot of work and most areas on the weapon appear to be using flat values across your albedo, normal, and gloss maps. Also try playing more with the lighting and render setup in that scene, Marmoset Toolbag is incredibly powerful.

    You could try placing your weapon on a table or even try to tell a story.

    It's actually a shame you didn't finish the generator because you have a good looking high poly model and a nice lighting setup.

    Avoid having any WIPs on your portfolio if you're actively looking for work, it conveys a lack of ability to finish projects. Employers want an artist who doesn't get lazy halfway through.

    The SixFoot art page is blocked by password? Definitely want that fixed or removed.

    Could use some more content on the website, but I would recommend finishing the generator and revisiting the weapon for now. Those are good looking assets, just add some TLC to really push the bar on them, the result could be very pleasing.
  • Cglewis
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    Cglewis polycounter lvl 12
    Thank you very much for the reply
    The generator is not done I am hoping to have that finished by end of the week (should I pull it from the site?)....I am also planning on going back and tweaking the gun maps
    I pulled alot of stuff off of my site due to not being finished or not being up to par...I have a project that I think i bit off more than i could chew
    I have mixed feeling about having it on the site, would like to know your thoughts?
    The Sixfoot Art page was some art that is under NDA...I decided to pull it

    I also changed the layout of the site, what do you think?
    Thank you again for the reply

  • Meloncov
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    Meloncov greentooth
    I'm not a fan of the slideshow setup; it takes much longer to look through than just being able to scroll down.
  • Cglewis
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    Cglewis polycounter lvl 12
    Thanks for input....i have reworked it and moved some things around check it out and let me know what you think
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