i focused on the scaling today and really try to get it to where it needs to be i feel the scale is pretty close now but let me know what you guys think
not much progress that you can see did work on the interior of the center building but i still need to add the env and cars and stuff like that but as always please let me know what you guys are thinking
How do you plan on building assets? Right now it looks like you are attempting to build the entire building out of one mesh? Not really sure of your plan of attack based on what we have seen so far.
My recommendations are building some nice ground tiling textures, using vert painting to create some nice landscaping. Then using trim/atlas sheets to build the majority of your modular assets out of and then kit bashing the building. You could then build the big landmark/hero prop pieces as unique assets. In this case though, looks like you could get away with BSP stairs, landscape geo, and a majority of the vista. Then using debris kit pieces to build the broken areas of both playable space and the vista.
Would be cool to build a grey scale vista tiling sheet for the debris, maybe? Then tinting into the color that would fit the walls and whatnot. Would allow for maximum variation for your vista buildings, and keep material/texture cost low. Would be one instanced variable material instruction for huge amounts of customization.
Just some ideas! I would take your pretty solid block out, pop it into UE4 or Cry or whatever engine and start getting to work with some blockout BSP over your blockout model. Technically you could use tiling vista buildings, but I think BSP would give you the most control to create something awesome if you are comfortable with it.
Good luck! keeping an eye on this, as I am working on a small diorama in the style of destiny myself.
@add3r very good points i am planning on doing it modular but i guess i haven't bee showing it sorry ill do my best to break it down in this post
BSPs that never crossed my mind but i do see some points there, a few places i can see where that will be pretty awesome i will have to defiantly try that out
Wow that was a sweet little bit i love how they explain there process soo cool!
So this time i realized i haven't done a good job showing individual assets and i think a bit more planning on my end needs to go down some of these assets might end up shrinking the more i look at the center walk way top the more i see how i could break that down
Center walk way top
this piece will be borken up into different pieces since there are alot of repeating shapes here
this piece just needs some refining make the vent a bit bigger vertically
just need to smooth out some shapes here
im starting to plan out the interior of this section blocking it out first and then develop the assets that will go there,alot more planning needs to go into this to make it a nice space for the player...might do a quick paint over later today
alot more work needs to go into this piece to break up the geometic shapes that are my destruction right now
need to refine the destruction make it less geometric
this piece needs refining could break it up into modular bits to use in other places
max block out
in UE4 rough lighting and env effects need to play with the background play with the versatility of the bg buildings
a closer shot
showing some thoughts on how ill lite the area under the big building
I hope I've done a better job showing what I'm doing, let me know what you guys think
so part 2 and a majority of tonights update will be an asset list/road map
so i was looking at my scene and trying to figure out what to make/do/how the heck am i gunna texture stuff ...so i booted up destiny and started running around getting a feel for what bungie did for mars and it kinda blew my mind hahah
so first off textures
im planning on modeling out these textures then baking them down and possibly making a pattern in Photoshop
jesus chirst, some of those screenshots are almost 5000 px wide. That's larger than my two work monitors side by side. Maybe shrink a them just a tiny bit?
jesus chirst, some of those screenshots are almost 5000 px wide. That's larger than my two work monitors side by side. Maybe shrink a them just a tiny bit?
haha sorry guys so i took out the images
and thank you @dox
sorry it has been a while since updates been rather busy but here is some stuff i have been able to work on let me know what you guys think
Solar panels- id say im about ready to call them done maybe make a destroyed "wing"
Car- just a quick compact car that is similar to the ones found in destiny on mars....need to do detail passs refine where door and body meets and smooth out some edges and work on the roof.
Did a little work on it last night, tighten up the front and some of the lines around the car
need to refine the headlight area more, spend a bit more time on the hood and also tighten up the rear of the car.
Tonight i started playing with some lighting to get a feel for what the final scene will have. Kinda exaggerating the mars feel and started the preliminary lighting but i'm pretty happy with it.
I think the lighting is too orange, and is also making it difficult to see the actual building, that bright sun and the saturated orange is making it hard to focus on the building. I'd personally go for something a bit cloudy + dusty light brownish / desaturated yellow for the sky, like in the concept.
You could also browse through the high res photos snapped by Curiosity rover to get some ideas on the atmosphere/ lighting, land / rock formations etc.
ive been lookin at the mars rover pics and lookin at the concept and here is what i have come up with
so right now i need to go in and get rid of my place holders for the bg and finish the props:
modular piping (50% done)
stand light
2 easter eggs
cloth assets
definitely need to play with cabling
but i have been upresing meshes defiantly need a pass on the stairs but its coming along let me know what y'all think
so i finally bit the bullet and got zbrush and this is my first dive into zbrush
got a long way to go but any tip or pointers would be epic!
i need to break this up into poly groups so that parts of the mesh that i would benefit from smoothing will smooth and areas that don't need it wont.
but let me know what you guys think
another test in zbrush trying to achieve a damaged/destroyed sign, i kinda think the chunks are in the wrong place....might not make sense for a concrete sign or something of similar build
Have you tried looking into destoyed building pictures from Syria? That might help with what bullet and explosion damage looks like against concrete structures.
For your others you could use a bit more variety in the edges - right now they're all the same distance from the next and it looks subconciously unnatural to the eye. But that's just me - your reference could be exactly as you've sculpted it.
@tetranome thank you so much man! this past weekend i attempted to implement your critic but my pc kicked rocks....so hopefully mid next week ill be able to act on your awesome critic!
but here is a wip of the current progress of the environment that i forgot to post, let me know what you guys think
it has been soo long since i have worked on this beast but finally found some time this weekend....pretty much 90% uved now! wooo! and i tweaked some lighting and started messing with a rough, rough color comp trying to see what base colors i want things to be. In the early stages of planning out repeatable textures ( this will dictate uv placement all of it is unfolded pending placement). Paint over and material break down will be the next step so stay tuned anyway critics comments allways welcome
started working on material defs and getting in place holders for colors and material types,
added more structures to the background and tweaked the lighting a bit.
Gotta say, you're showing some major dedication to doing this piece... it's a lot to take on considering the actual mars station environment in Destiny was done by several artists let alone one on his own so kudos and keep working dude (Y)
on a side note... since there's still a lot untextured etc the only thing I can really crit on with this is scales etc... I'm not sure how the original environment looks with it's surrounding buildings because I've pretty much put Destiny down indefinitely now but the buildings surrounding your main one look abnormally bigger and I can't remember whether their scales were that far off from each other in the game... you'll probably know but that's all I can really pick off this right now until you start getting into micro details on the environment piece like you were doing earlier with the chipped stone edge.
Thank you very much for the kind words and keen eye, I'll have to run around mars again to get a feel for it....just moved so I need to find the box that I have my xbox in....lol
I was able to carve out some time to start the texturing process.....I am a bit unsure of the tile size/color since this appears to be the same material as the long rectangles that skirt the walk way...the grout is defiantly too dark lol..but let me know what you guys think
needs to do for this Mesh
-clean up Normal
-clean up AO
-Metallic map
-spec map
-roughness map
Really liking where this is going, fixed the color of the grout and started adding detail to the pipes on the side......still need to clean up a few things. But what do yall think?
Really solid Cglewis, and some seriously admirable dedication. Keep going!
In the interest if figuring out what you need to tighten up the scene further have you considered going over the concept piece with a paint over and highlighting various objects with different colors based on how they would break down to build the scene? Here's an example that Coxy did for one of the monthly challenges: http://i57.tinypic.com/2vdi1w8.jpg
A color toned paint over like that might help you define what your scene needs to tighten up, as well as little ways to bring it more in line with the concept. Like the fact that the concept doesn't actually have any bollards in it, just something circular near the street lamp (could be a junction box?). That lamp in question looks like it's about as tall as the second landing of the stairs leading into the structure, suggesting the stairs reach significantly higher overall. And there's actually what looks like a lot of sage brush style foliage running rampant through the area.
Actually now that I stop and look at it, it seems like that lamp that's closest to the viewer is actually shorter than the one's in the background. One of them has a tangle of tarp or cloth dangling from it. Perhaps those arent lamps, maybe they were flag poles? That might explain the disparity.
Anyway I hope any of this helps and I'm really excited to follow your progress!
@stinkhorse, thank you man really appreciate the kind words
i think it needs more backgound buildings i was running around mars the other night and i felt really really small....when i run around the world here i dont get that sense...
the lamp post is something i have struggled with comparing it back and forth from what i have to the concept it is hard to figure out what those poles are in the back ground the poles seem to be higher than the walk way and in the foreground they feel smaller....so that kinda vexes me. I have thought about added flag poles later in project with the cloth dangling.
You are correct the bollards are not in the concept, i drew those from the actual game, if you feel it detracts for the game i can totally remove them. I want to use the concept as inspiration but i really want this to feel that it is in the Destiny universe.
I need to do that color paint over as you suggested just have not gotten around to it yet
but i really appreciate the feed back it really means alot
here is the progress i did before i saw your post....lol the next thing i do will be your color paint over
ARG!!! @stinkhorse I totally forgot to do the paint over......during my lunch break i will.
But here is my latest progress i fleshed out the lower sign area and worked on the sign. I will have to create a video to show yall the sweet flicker. let me know what you guys think
So I was able to do some work on the piece I think its coming along rather well
So what did i do?
I worked on the concrete slab and the main building in the back
I have some issues with the concrete slab, need to clean up some uv seems (due to sloppy uv lay out on the concrete aka lazy) and I need more material definition on the Main building in the back
What needs to be done?
-A base metal texture needs to be made for the BG env assets
-Decals need to be made for the BG env assets to make them unique and interesting
-Create foliage
-Create secondary vehicle asset because not everyone on mars drives a prius
-create distant light orbs
-Create OWT flags and flag poles
-Create Cloth for front of env and bg Cloth assets
-Create misc ground cover
-Create Floating Particles
-Create blowing sand effect
-Texture env conc slabs
-Texture Stairs
-Texture Side Block
-Texture pillars
-Texture Under Main building
-Texture Crate
-Texture solar Panel
-Texture car
Target Due Date
-November 15th
I think that covers everything kinda a big update but yeah let me know what you guys think, got a long way to go but i feel she is shaping up
so last night I did some work on my mars scene
-Completely overhauled the lighting
-implemented the first version of my skydome
-reworked the sand
-did a bit of work on the covered walkway texture
-implemented and tweaked the first iteration of atmospherics
Just a small update today:
-Built repeatable Outdoor tile
-Still needs variation (dirt, grim, etc...) to be added will do with decal actors
-Thinking of closing off main covered area with like glass walls....thoughts?
So last night I did some work on the blocks to the left and right of the center walkway. I am pretty happy with how they came out.....but
I also changed up the lighting (from orange to light blue) and added IES profiles to most of my lights
Thoughts from Last nights work:
-Lighten up the grout on the blocks
-Tweak spec values so the tiles are more pronounced on the blocks
-Texture seam on the stairs needs to be fixed
-Create Decal actors to add customized dirt, grim...etc
The lighting changes and dust/atmosphere you added really helps a lot.
The problem I'm having right now is the sky/bg is a lighter color than the focal point of the scene. Instead of my eye going towards the ruined building and center steps, I end up focusing on the sky and background first and then moving to the main part of the scene.
@beefaroni oh i can see that now, great eye man! I will have to play with the skybox/lighting to fix that issue
Im hoping the atmosphere will appear to darkin up after i add texture to the bg buildings.....and I am sure the lighting will be totally rebuilt by then....The shadows do feel pretty dark in these images...
and today's update
not much progress that you can see
My recommendations are building some nice ground tiling textures, using vert painting to create some nice landscaping. Then using trim/atlas sheets to build the majority of your modular assets out of and then kit bashing the building. You could then build the big landmark/hero prop pieces as unique assets. In this case though, looks like you could get away with BSP stairs, landscape geo, and a majority of the vista. Then using debris kit pieces to build the broken areas of both playable space and the vista.
Would be cool to build a grey scale vista tiling sheet for the debris, maybe? Then tinting into the color that would fit the walls and whatnot. Would allow for maximum variation for your vista buildings, and keep material/texture cost low. Would be one instanced variable material instruction for huge amounts of customization.
Just some ideas! I would take your pretty solid block out, pop it into UE4 or Cry or whatever engine and start getting to work with some blockout BSP over your blockout model. Technically you could use tiling vista buildings, but I think BSP would give you the most control to create something awesome if you are comfortable with it.
Good luck! keeping an eye on this, as I am working on a small diorama in the style of destiny myself.
@add3r very good points i am planning on doing it modular but i guess i haven't bee showing it sorry ill do my best to break it down in this post
BSPs that never crossed my mind but i do see some points there, a few places i can see where that will be pretty awesome i will have to defiantly try that out
Wow that was a sweet little bit i love how they explain there process soo cool!
So this time i realized i haven't done a good job showing individual assets and i think a bit more planning on my end needs to go down some of these assets might end up shrinking the more i look at the center walk way top the more i see how i could break that down
Center walk way top
this piece will be borken up into different pieces since there are alot of repeating shapes here
this piece just needs some refining make the vent a bit bigger vertically
just need to smooth out some shapes here
im starting to plan out the interior of this section blocking it out first and then develop the assets that will go there,alot more planning needs to go into this to make it a nice space for the player...might do a quick paint over later today
alot more work needs to go into this piece to break up the geometic shapes that are my destruction right now
need to refine the destruction make it less geometric
this piece needs refining could break it up into modular bits to use in other places
max block out
in UE4 rough lighting and env effects need to play with the background play with the versatility of the bg buildings
a closer shot
showing some thoughts on how ill lite the area under the big building
I hope I've done a better job showing what I'm doing, let me know what you guys think
anyway was able to do a few things made some modular pieces for the background assets.
let me know what you guys think
also here is a wip of the modular building components i am working on
so i was looking at my scene and trying to figure out what to make/do/how the heck am i gunna texture stuff ...so i booted up destiny and started running around getting a feel for what bungie did for mars and it kinda blew my mind hahah
so first off textures
im planning on modeling out these textures then baking them down and possibly making a pattern in Photoshop
so first off
Metal Panels
Ceramic Tiles
building girders
Floor tiles
Now for the models
Car A
Circular Light
Crate A
Crate B
Hand Rail Curved and straight
Light Pole
Solar Panel
Support Beam
focused on some of the props,
Support Beam and Crate A
Let me know what you guys think
any way here is a Wip of the solar Panels let me know what you guys think
I agree with this person...
It's looking cool so far!
and thank you @dox
sorry it has been a while since updates been rather busy but here is some stuff i have been able to work on let me know what you guys think
Solar panels- id say im about ready to call them done maybe make a destroyed "wing"
Car- just a quick compact car that is similar to the ones found in destiny on mars....need to do detail passs refine where door and body meets and smooth out some edges and work on the roof.
But let me know what you guys think
need to refine the headlight area more, spend a bit more time on the hood and also tighten up the rear of the car.
But let me know what you guys think
so was able to do a bit of work during lunch started on the light poles
still need to add some details but i think shes getting there
let me know what you guys think
and here is a progress shot of the environment
Let me know what you guys think
I think the lighting is too orange, and is also making it difficult to see the actual building, that bright sun and the saturated orange is making it hard to focus on the building. I'd personally go for something a bit cloudy + dusty light brownish / desaturated yellow for the sky, like in the concept.
You could also browse through the high res photos snapped by Curiosity rover to get some ideas on the atmosphere/ lighting, land / rock formations etc.
ive been lookin at the mars rover pics and lookin at the concept and here is what i have come up with
so right now i need to go in and get rid of my place holders for the bg and finish the props:
modular piping (50% done)
stand light
2 easter eggs
cloth assets
definitely need to play with cabling
but i have been upresing meshes defiantly need a pass on the stairs but its coming along let me know what y'all think
got a long way to go but any tip or pointers would be epic!
i need to break this up into poly groups so that parts of the mesh that i would benefit from smoothing will smooth and areas that don't need it wont.
but let me know what you guys think
another test in zbrush trying to achieve a damaged/destroyed sign, i kinda think the chunks are in the wrong place....might not make sense for a concrete sign or something of similar build
what do yall think
here is what i came up with after looking at that, i like it alot better thank you man!
what do you think?
let me know what you guys think
what do you guys think?
Too dark?
^ This one looks good
For your others you could use a bit more variety in the edges - right now they're all the same distance from the next and it looks subconciously unnatural to the eye. But that's just me - your reference could be exactly as you've sculpted it.
but here is a wip of the current progress of the environment that i forgot to post, let me know what you guys think
it has been soo long since i have worked on this beast but finally found some time this weekend....pretty much 90% uved now! wooo! and i tweaked some lighting and started messing with a rough, rough color comp trying to see what base colors i want things to be. In the early stages of planning out repeatable textures ( this will dictate uv placement all of it is unfolded pending placement). Paint over and material break down will be the next step so stay tuned
ok one more shot
started working on material defs and getting in place holders for colors and material types,
added more structures to the background and tweaked the lighting a bit.
comments and crits always welcome
on a side note... since there's still a lot untextured etc the only thing I can really crit on with this is scales etc... I'm not sure how the original environment looks with it's surrounding buildings because I've pretty much put Destiny down indefinitely now but the buildings surrounding your main one look abnormally bigger and I can't remember whether their scales were that far off from each other in the game... you'll probably know but that's all I can really pick off this right now until you start getting into micro details on the environment piece like you were doing earlier with the chipped stone edge.
Keep going man (Y)
I was able to carve out some time to start the texturing process.....I am a bit unsure of the tile size/color since this appears to be the same material as the long rectangles that skirt the walk way...the grout is defiantly too dark lol..but let me know what you guys think
needs to do for this Mesh
-clean up Normal
-clean up AO
-Metallic map
-spec map
-roughness map
In the interest if figuring out what you need to tighten up the scene further have you considered going over the concept piece with a paint over and highlighting various objects with different colors based on how they would break down to build the scene? Here's an example that Coxy did for one of the monthly challenges: http://i57.tinypic.com/2vdi1w8.jpg
A color toned paint over like that might help you define what your scene needs to tighten up, as well as little ways to bring it more in line with the concept. Like the fact that the concept doesn't actually have any bollards in it, just something circular near the street lamp (could be a junction box?). That lamp in question looks like it's about as tall as the second landing of the stairs leading into the structure, suggesting the stairs reach significantly higher overall. And there's actually what looks like a lot of sage brush style foliage running rampant through the area.
Actually now that I stop and look at it, it seems like that lamp that's closest to the viewer is actually shorter than the one's in the background. One of them has a tangle of tarp or cloth dangling from it. Perhaps those arent lamps, maybe they were flag poles? That might explain the disparity.
Anyway I hope any of this helps and I'm really excited to follow your progress!
i think it needs more backgound buildings i was running around mars the other night and i felt really really small....when i run around the world here i dont get that sense...
the lamp post is something i have struggled with comparing it back and forth from what i have to the concept it is hard to figure out what those poles are in the back ground the poles seem to be higher than the walk way and in the foreground they feel smaller....so that kinda vexes me. I have thought about added flag poles later in project with the cloth dangling.
You are correct the bollards are not in the concept, i drew those from the actual game, if you feel it detracts for the game i can totally remove them. I want to use the concept as inspiration but i really want this to feel that it is in the Destiny universe.
I need to do that color paint over as you suggested just have not gotten around to it yet
but i really appreciate the feed back it really means alot
here is the progress i did before i saw your post....lol the next thing i do will be your color paint over
I can't wait to hear what you guys think
@stinkhorse I totally forgot to do the paint over......during my lunch break i will.
But here is my latest progress i fleshed out the lower sign area and worked on the sign. I will have to create a video to show yall the sweet flicker. let me know what you guys think
So I was able to do some work on the piece I think its coming along rather well
So what did i do?
I worked on the concrete slab and the main building in the back
I have some issues with the concrete slab, need to clean up some uv seems (due to sloppy uv lay out on the concrete aka lazy) and I need more material definition on the Main building in the back
What needs to be done?
-A base metal texture needs to be made for the BG env assets
-Decals need to be made for the BG env assets to make them unique and interesting
-Create foliage
-Create secondary vehicle asset because not everyone on mars drives a prius
-create distant light orbs
-Create OWT flags and flag poles
-Create Cloth for front of env and bg Cloth assets
-Create misc ground cover
-Create Floating Particles
-Create blowing sand effect
-Texture env conc slabs
-Texture Stairs
-Texture Side Block
-Texture pillars
-Texture Under Main building
-Texture Crate
-Texture solar Panel
-Texture car
Target Due Date
-November 15th
I think that covers everything kinda a big update but yeah let me know what you guys think, got a long way to go but i feel she is shaping up
so last night I did some work on my mars scene
-Completely overhauled the lighting
-implemented the first version of my skydome
-reworked the sand
-did a bit of work on the covered walkway texture
-implemented and tweaked the first iteration of atmospherics
but let me know what you guys think
-Built repeatable Outdoor tile
-Still needs variation (dirt, grim, etc...) to be added will do with decal actors
-Thinking of closing off main covered area with like glass walls....thoughts?
So last night I did some work on the blocks to the left and right of the center walkway. I am pretty happy with how they came out.....but
I also changed up the lighting (from orange to light blue) and added IES profiles to most of my lights
Thoughts from Last nights work:
-Lighten up the grout on the blocks
-Tweak spec values so the tiles are more pronounced on the blocks
-Texture seam on the stairs needs to be fixed
-Create Decal actors to add customized dirt, grim...etc
But let me know what you guys think
Have a great Tuesday y'all!
The lighting changes and dust/atmosphere you added really helps a lot.
The problem I'm having right now is the sky/bg is a lighter color than the focal point of the scene. Instead of my eye going towards the ruined building and center steps, I end up focusing on the sky and background first and then moving to the main part of the scene.
Im hoping the atmosphere will appear to darkin up after i add texture to the bg buildings.....and I am sure the lighting will be totally rebuilt by then....The shadows do feel pretty dark in these images...