I do level-design for many years as hobby with Unreal.
As even the best maps alone don't allow gameplay, I would like to cooperate with a c++ coder / blueprinter experienced in Unreal 4 engine to build games, concepts, prototypes, game-jams...
You're part would be to bring in the gameplay features, like units, weapons, functionality and so on, whereas I deliver all the 2d and 3d art required.
Also I can bring in marketplace packs to speed up the development.
Together we could make all kinds of game genres, like a first person shooter, a racing game, adventure...you name it!
But because of the small team the scope will only be projects that can be finished realistically.
Here you can see examples of what I could bring in:
Mapping & 3D Portfolio/Examples:

Video "Valley of the Elves":
https://youtu.be/SXsfhxFaHYkMore details/capabilities of me:
My self-made speedtree-nursery (still growing):
https://forums.unrealengine.com/showthread.php?106355-Project-quot-tree-nursery-quotIf you are interested, then please contact me with details about youre experience, capabilities, time-commitment...
via skype (Greenwich time +1 hour): my skype ID: volluskrassos
then my nickname there is "Joe Cool".