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Answered: DDO Paint Primer acting funky

polycounter lvl 6
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EricHall polycounter lvl 6
I've come across some weird stuff with Primer and I'm hoping someone can help me. When I paint in Primer, I can paint just fine in albedo, but when i switch to gloss, I can't mask by albedo. Is this something I have to deselect then select again to work in?

Also, anytime i do manage to paint on the gloss map, 3DO crashes. No error message, just windows telling me 3DO2.exe has stopped working. Here's what i've done and my specs, let me know if you need any other info from me.

Run as Admin
Scratch disk has got about 300 gb of free space
Windows 10
32 gb ram
GTX 660

I'm wondering if its a VRAM issue? I've got a new graphics card on the way, curious if that will fix this. Thanks in advance!



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