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Answered: 3DO painting brush size really small

polycounter lvl 2
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glacialspring polycounter lvl 2
I'm trying the paint directly on mesh function, but the brush size is really small. I turn the size up to 2048, and it looks like maybe a 10-pt size brush in photoshop. A related thing may be that when I import the mesh and start working in 3DO, I have to zoom way out to see my mesh. I exported the mesh as fbx from blender, and it looks the proper size when I import it into UE4.


  • Synaesthesia
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    Synaesthesia polycounter
    This is due to your mesh being gigantic in scale. It could be due to the FBX file format itself. Try exporting as *.OBJ instead. If that doesn't work, try scaling it down by 75 to 90%. We're working on making the brush size scale with the object size, so that's coming soon. :)
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