Latest Update:
More Images on my Artstation including Marmoset Viewer:
Decided to do a weekend sculpt of this awesome concept by blizzard artist
Ryan Metcalf.
Will keep posting updates as I work on him. I'm also doing a silent stream of me fumbling around in zbrush while I work on him.
Concept by
Ryan Metcalf
Also, thanks MadGunslinger , you're work has been a major inspiration and definitely a benchmark I'm trying to match!
I've got a little more done on him over the week. got some pieces cleaned up and ready for details. Really having a lot of fun with this guy.
looking really cool! I love the style. pls keep the pointy chin! XD
Please, tell me you're not stopping the sculpt here and do a full character
Cremuss Thanks for the feedback, the torso has been bugging me a bit and I didn't know if it was reading very well. Going to give it another pass to clean up the messiness. I originally left out the shoulder pad since I wasn't getting it to look right when I was doing the sculpt. But I blocked it in when doing my retop and it was good so i'm going to add it.
tda Thanks man, I was eyeballing those shins as well but I was originally planning on doing just a bust and the axe. Seems that the majority of feedback I have been getting has all been suggesting to do the full character so going to be tackling the legs lol.
Thanks for the feedback everyone!
Threw a Marmoset viewer of it on Artstation: Here
@gfelton thanks a lot, I can't wait to get polishing them up!
@aaronmwolford thanks! I really loved the cape in the concept. I would have added the shoulder piece but i just couldn't fit it in there a way I was happy with and it seemed like it would be pretty nasty to animate. Might do a separate shoulder piece like the ones on the in-game models.
@tda thanks! I'm really glad you all talked me into doing the full character instead of just the bust!
I've been doing some more texture work. Still a long ways from finished but it's getting there. Trying to keep that Heroes of the Storm painted style and get the materials to read the way they do in that game.
I updated the Marmoset viewer too. HERE
I really need to get him posed so my updates are more interesting. I got a quick color pass done on the axe but it's too gross to show just yet. Going to work on it a bit tonight so i'll post an update then. For now, here's another pass on the textures. Slowly getting there!
Also updated the Marmoset viewer file: Here
As for style, i'm trying to make this guy fit in with the Heroes of the Storm characters. I've been experimenting trying to find something that matches their style but it's been a lot of trial and error. Seems like they do a lot of diffuse work and then material work is a lot more subtle.
Here are a few of the examples from HotS that I've been using as guidelines.
Hoping this will pull your eyes around the model a bit more instead of the main points of interest being the shin gaurds and the ram skull.
Marmoset Viewer: Here
On the texturing I think you can add more lighting information to your diffuse and some stronger overall gradient.
Marmoset Viewer: Here
your missing the focus shading/macro read, made a quick paintover to show you what I mean.
Thanks a lot for the feedback you guys have been giving me, it's really helped out!
Once again I'm very grateful for all the help I've gotten with this project!
Model Viewer: Here