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Alpha map for hair

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Leinadien vertex
I looked around and they're saying we should use a black and white alpha map for transparency, I've got that and I put it in the alpha slot but it doesn't seem to work. I slide the alpha slider back and forth and the whole plane becomes transparent, the hair strands too. I don't understand why it won't work, I've unchecked cull back faces so both side of the plane are shown, any suggestions?


  • EarthQuake
    It looks like you've got "Use Albedo Alpha" checked, which will try to load the transparency map from the alpha channel of the albedo map. If you want to use the texture you've loaded in the slot, uncheck that setting there, and set the channel dropdown to R if you want to load it from RGB or A if you want to load it from alpha.

    If you are trying to load it from the abledo alpha, make sure you're saving a 32 bit tga with the transparency content in the alpha channel.
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