Hey guys, I'm not sure why this has been happening to me in Zbrush 4R7, and google isn't bringing up any good results. But when I dynamesh say to a resolution of about 1500, my active points come out to 350k, but once I start using a brush on the mesh, it'll start "subdividing geometry" into the millions and slow my machine down to the point where I can't do any brushing.
The only work around is if I mask off a tiny bit of the mesh, than it won't subdivide, but I'm wondering if this there's some button somewhere I might have pressed that's causing this or if its a bug? Any help is appreciated, thanks!
The fact that dynamic subdiv is D... just D.. well it's problem. Shift D and Ctrl D are pretty common use hotkeys and yet D can be hit by accident (especially if an autosave decides to fire off).
This needs to be stickied or something. More importantly it's something zbrush needs to solve.