Hey guys, i'm Alex, Maya technical artist, developer and the author of Maya jTools.
I'm not sure if it's allowed to post advertising in here, but well, this forum is probably the best place to spread the word.
I've just launched the new site for that script pack and also put it to the Gumroad:
You can download free demo version from mayajtools.com
Feel free to contact me with any questions: joss@mayajtools.com
PS: Hopefully i'm not violating any forum rules - can't find any anyways
And this thread is probably better off in the Tech Talk subforum.
Let me then introduce myself first: my name is Alexander "Joss" Khalyavin, i'm Maya tech artist/developer with ~16 years of Maya experience. Autodesk Maya Certified Professional, and in year 2003 i was chosen as one of the Top-50 MEL developers by a french Pixelcreatiions.fr online magazine if it's matters. Maya jTools is an evolution of "Joss Scripts Pack" that was available at highend3d.com back in the days.
This is the first time i'm trying to release something as a commercial product, so I'm open to any suggestions, and yes, you're right - i have to make more explanatory videos.
Attributes/selections/components randomization/interpolation/align. Works with channelBox attributes. If nothing selected in the channelBox, it will try to use the current scene selection - is it transforms with TRS attributes or components without them. Utilizes couple of python plug-ins(supplied), allowing to align aforementioned selections in screen space(yes, even in perspective cameras). Plus interpolator was hacked once more, and now it can interpolate coordinates in "curve space", distributing objects/components along curves.
Shuffle/Reverse order/Sort by distance selections to quickly operate on them with other tools - say, interpolator or animation sequencer.
Allowing users to quickly set pivots on multiple objects at once - say, move all the pivots to respective object's upper/lower bound, center/average all the pivots or drop all the objects to the floor(actually any) level. Imagine aligning 100 objects in your architectural scene with just 3 clicks: center pivots, move them by -Y axis, drop to floor.
Storing TRS attributes from selection in 4 different internal buffers, allowing to paste them later onto different set of
Stores the component selection independently of selected objects. So, you can, say, select first 100 faces on ferry wheel cabin, store that selection in the buffer or create a shelf button with that selection "mask", then select all the cabins and quickly restore that selection on all of them at once, making it easier to, say, replace materials on those cabins or manipulate exactly these components on all of the objects at once. Objects have to be topologically identical of course.
Allowing users to scatter any number of input objects("sources") onto polygonal surfaces. Can create particles instead of objects, making it handy to use with particle instancer and, say, some debris systems.
is an extended version of native Maya renamer