Hi all ! I making a tree for my small diorama project and I used "sidenormalthief" to change the normal of my leafs.
The problem is when I import that on Marmoset2 I have a different result from 3dsMAX. So maybe some one can help/explain me .
1 - Result in 3DS max after the transfer
2 - The result of the normals
3 - Result in Marmoset
What export format are you using? Some formats destroy edited normals.
Try a quick test with a very simple model, like just a box. Bend a single normal and see if it loads properly into Marmoset.
Moving this from Tech Talk into the Marmoset section.
So I try what @Eric Chadwick proposed and it's not working .
I tested to resetXform , Collapse the edited normal but it's still don't work.
I saw the normals change on Marmoset but not like I want ^^.
So if some one can help me it will be really great !
PS : I used FBX format for the export.
1 - Max view with normals changed
2 - Edited normal ( simple test )
3 - Marmoset result.
This is the result you asked for. On the left = Cube without edited normal .On right = Cube with edited normal. Left picture = Material I use on my scene Right picture = Default Material.
It's look it's working but I still don't understand why it's not working on my object.
and thanks again for this epic support dude !
In general it's a bad idea to use automatic backfaces. Because it's done for the whole model. But you typically only need backfaces for specific parts (foliage planes yes, but not for the branches or trunk). So it's better to duplicate them yourself, manually, then adjust the normals, then export.