Hey all! I am starting a new character and have run into a couple road blocks:
Here is the reference:
First off is Podrick's jacket pattern. Currently really puzzled as to how I would make something like that.
So far I tried anchoring out the rectangle pattern bits individually which looks okay? What is the best way for pulling something this leather jacket off? If I were to go down the manual placing route I would definitely redo it as its not that nice looking on the edges etc. but I imagine there is probably a better way to be found before I waste a bunch of time.
Second problem is that I am super weak at doing likeness sculpts. Does Podrick even remotely look like Podrick? Any tips to achieve a better likeness?
Everything is still super work in progress but any and all critiques are super welcome! Be brutal if your feeling it! Thanks!
Other than that, you should work a bit more on your forms/silhouette before going into patterns like this, right now they look really soft and simple. Try blackening your material in ZB and look at the silhouette, there are barely any breaks even on his shirt to arms area, which is the harshest break on your reference.
Also some tips about ZB
1.the default material in zbrush doesn't work well for human perception of depth , try something simple with a high specularity.
2. Change the perspective FOV to something like 30+-, by default it is 90 which really distorts the way you look at your model, either 30 or close perspective altogether.
Hopefully I will post soon with a little more progress and with your feedback, thanks!
Also just realized I follow you on Artstation! lol
all the difficult stuff lol
Gonna be trying out Quixel on him so hopefully all goes well in future, now on to retopo! Cheers!