I have grouped two different models that I want to import into UE4 as one piece (One FBX). Each has it's own material ID because one will use a tileable texture and one has a unique texture. My question is I want adequate light map resolution on this model. But it's quite large and I don't want to have to jack up the Light map resolution really high. I want a separate lightmap channel for each of the pieces. Is this possible in UE4?
I can't wait till VXGI(or equivalent ) becomes standard in UE so we can finally leave the annoying world of LM's behind us....
Ahh thanks folks. This community is great. I never considered the pivot method. Should be ok to deal with once in the editor. I can always group the objects in Ue4 to make moving the two around together easier. I don't really get why I need to create a blueprint to treat them as a second object ? Is this an optimization thing to reduce the extra draw call of having two objects instead of one?
Thanks again dudes.