I'm new to Ddo, I'm used to Mudbox where I just paint over to hide the seam of the UV cut. But in Ddo I don't understand how to do that since it works differently. I read on this forum that there was a Seam Terminator to blur it out or something but I can't find it.

1) You'll need to adjust your UVs for tiling, which means the UVs need to stretch to meet 0-1 borders. This will eliminate the seam at the cost of introducing stretching.
2) You can use a color paint layer in DDO to manually paint over the seams. Using a color similar or identical to the one you're already using, while randomly painting in to mask it out, will resolve this issue. This is a better solution than option 1.
3) You can use a duplicate of the material layer causing this issue, set the scale to -1 or +1, and then enter DynaMask and paint in a similar fashion to option 2. This will also work better than option 1, but won't be as seamless as option 2.
This should resolve your problem for now. Rest assured that we're working on triplanar projection for new versions of Quixel DDO, which will basically make seams a thing of the past and give you a little more flexibility in UV layouts.
I think there is also a problem when doing 2) because the projection isn't really good to ignore the uv seams... When I paint over them with the mask to hide it, you can clearly see that it has trouble painting over it the brush on the left or right side wont be the same color. Maybe it has issue doing the projection over the UV seam and a cylinder shape ?
I wish the UV cut was not a problem during the Interactive painting like in mudbox or other softs.
edit: It works better with bigger brushes tho and different angles actually, now i managed.