Since I wasn't sure where to post my animations for personal feedback and critiques I thought I'd make my own thread for stuff I am working on.
Currently working on - To Be DeterminedRecently Completed - Body Mechanics #2 "Run and Gun" Previous animations -
Body Mechanics #1 "Ninja Jump" -
Body Mechanics #2 "Run and Gun" First Pass W.I.P -
Body Mechanics #2 "Run and Gun" Second Pass Completed -
Front the view, I see a little pop. When his chest rotates to the screen left as his screen left foot comes forward, it pops a little. Like it hits that pose too fast, It feels jerky. The other side seems fine, though.
I would try bring the gun forward across his body just a little instead of having it primarily on the one axis that you have now. Lok at the front view, the screen right gun hand only moves in one axis. Try to include all 3. You can have one axis as the primary one but include all 3.
Try to get some overlap in your spine. It will help reduce the side to side of the head that feels a bit awkward.
Side view, there is sharp motion going up. I think its when both feet are coming off the gorund. You could try reducing the up and down. In a run, there isn't much but you've got a stylised run so you could do some experimentation and see what works.
Keep going!
I went ahead and cleaned up a lot of the pops and weird unnatural looking movements. I've also taken it to completion and was wondering if you, or anyone else could give some feedback on how it's looking so far. I had to fight the previous animation I had made due to spaghetti curves in the graph editor and not to mention there was so much counter animation before I went in and simplified all my translations and rotations. I also looked into adding some overlap into the middle and upper torso but for some reason whatever I was doing was just not working so I may go in and revise it if you guys think that it's crucial.
The only note I have is that the middle of the body S&S a lot , maybe tone it down a bit. Or I don't know , I like it a lot
I'm really feeling the squashing and stretching of the hips, but I'll try to see if I can adjust it or tone it down a little bit. Also I've noticed a few little problems with the right hand snapping forward and the mid torso looking a bit weird. So far I haven't had much luck with that upper torso, as it's been very difficult to add any sort of secondary or tertiary movement without having to counter animate something else. Fairly certain I'm doing something wrong that's causing this too...
Like the run cycle that this dude have at 0:012 , his hips go back and so his chest.
Hope it makes sense xD , just as a note
The second part of the animation where the character goes offscreen and tumbles back into the frame is still very rough. I've been having quite a bit of difficulty getting this tumble right. So I turn to you great polycount animators to assist me in either choosing one of the following gifs below or offering a fresh take on what can be done for the part in question.
So here's the full video file :
Password is : 1
Here are individual gifs of them if you cannot view the video:
Original -
Updated -
Current progress update : Still needs some polish with the timing, but it's looking more presentable now and would love to share it with you all and hopefully get some critiques on it.
Edit: Can't forget a syncsketch for a proper critique!