Just something fun I've been creating for a while - planning to roll this one into a warehouse in Unreal 4. I'll update this thread as I keep working on it. There's no interior... yet!

3DS Max 2014
139k triangles
8k chassis, 4k wheels, 2k windows
Texturing in Quixel SUITE 2

I'm moving toward the environment now - although I've been taking a break recently with an article I wrote for SketchFab by request.
Here's hoping I can put some more work into this project soon.
More updates to come as I eventually find time to work on this again!
The next part of this puzzle is the modular railroad truck (or bogie, if you prefer) that will carry all of the railcars being placed into the UE4 environment. Yes, they're getting some graffiti love!
Still a big WIP - lots of foliage left to add, tweaks to make, etc.
Making some progress!
I need to finish up the train signal and the tank cars (hidden from view here), in addition to adding some more plants and some more background details. Also, the skybox needs to be 8k instead of 4k.
And you could add a couple small yellow flowers, would give you a second source of yellow helping the composition and breaking up the grass.
The white things in the middle are very hard to read too. (Bottles ?)
The white things in the middle are actually spraypaint cans. I took them out from that spot. There's a bunch more located under the overpass in the distance.
More plants are a great idea. I'll see what else I can add that fits within the biome.
If you're interested in seeing how I've approached normal mapping the tank cars in the background, take a look!
Next update should be a fully textured tank car.
Now I can focus on finishing up the environment!
Most of the fun of this is painting everything by hand!
A selection of my favorite shots:
I'll be doing a write-up soon that covers it all extensively.
I agree the exposure is a bit much - only because the bloom looks artificial, not the light.
basically - you need to fight the limitations of the game engine a bit more :P
Love the texturing too
Great work, how are you able to get such high res looking lettering on the textures on close up shots with just 8k for the tank car? No tiling textures? I read the ddo pdf, you exported all the maps to unreal combined in PS as one map each for diffuse, specular, roughness slots. No use of masks, tiling or vertex paint in the ue4 engine (unless I am missing something)