Hi , I am trying for first time approaching the hardsurface modeling throught subobj division and so applying creaseset and then opensubdiv, the difficulties I am finding is when I met triangles and how to solve them to keep an all quad subdivision ... How do you do ? and what of this solution is it correct or wrong?
This is a great video for anyone new and wishing to understand the concepts of sub-d
There are sites like this, that show patterns that can happen and how to avoid / circumvent them:
...and sometimes, you can paint yourself into corner... noses, ears and such are good example (yet not mechanical pieces) that show well that sometimes you end up creating a sort of "pole area", and can't remove some nasty loop end... without bigger change in local topology. I wouldn't sweat too much with such cases, first try to follow forms and create your edges along paths that visually follow shapes and details needed.
My actual objective is make a spaceship by doing that lerning hard surface modeling wich I never actually did b4, I mostly did organic stuff , natural environments etc.
The spaceship I am doing may be I can open a thread somewhere to get sugestions and help on progress?