Hey i have no idea how to bake ambient occlusion it looks really bad. Now i know you can fix problems like this by exploding your mesh i did that and worked perefect with my normals. But the problem is that the ao looks off since the are meshes missing that are suppose to cast a shadow how do i fix this? first pic the ao is baked while the mesh is exploded the second/third pic the mesh is not exploded.
Hey, did you figure this out? Its difficult to know what you're asking. Ambient Occlusion is the natural shadow between crevices, it isn't a shadow cast. You can use a multitude of programs for bake ao. Xnormal or Maya transfer maps are typically what I use. Xnormal is free. What program do you want to use?
Yeah i already figured out a friend told me to bake it whit the whole highpoly visible and keep the lp mesh exploded but thanks.