I'm liking the idea of making lots of PBR materials and tiling textures.
I've noticed people using Substance Designer to do a full on blend of all the layers and also managing the tiling.
But I've also seen that there are blurs and seams in example work which isn't ideal. It's not really smart blending out of the box obviously. Maybe you can paint masks to make it really nice?
But since I have Quixel stuff for PBR references and any other map types I might need to generate (cavity etc), is it just as reasonable to do everything non-tiling on a larger sample area than you'd need, and then manage the crop and tiling manually in PS as a last-step on all the output textures, doing really nice seams/masks?
I'm curious for instance how the DICE team did the new Star Wars game tiling. They discussed a lot about image prep/lighting removal etc in the GDC presentation, but nothing on tiling the scans and retaining all the nice 3D data etc.
I'm not an avid user of Zbrush, but is it likely that they made the actual mesh and base textures tilable there?
Are there any serious pitfalls to avoid doing it by hand in PS post-process?
Or should I be thinking to try do the tiling pre-process as much as possible?