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Zbrush/xNormal Generate Normal different bright issue at edge of UV.

Heya, I have serious problem that literally making me crazy :C
The Software i am using most of time are blender.
Zbrush for sculpting and i recently knew about xnormal. It seems decent software.

However Here is my problem.

First is Cycle render picture, Second one is uv of this cloth.

For Zbrush, when i generate the normal, I used Tangent, SmoothUV, sNormals, FlipG option.

When you see the picture, seam meeting point, they have different bright value, so it create very noticeable seam.

I try to paint the normal map myself to get rid of the seams by import to paint mode and use pattern tools to

cover it but still same issue is happening.

Is this UV issue? or generate file software issue?. Hope there is way to fix this problem :c
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