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[Help] Communications Blackout With Hired Freelancer

I posted an advert for a job I needed done
And after I had gone through a lot of applications from freelancers on this site, I had chosen to go with http://polycount.com/profile/digitalfreaky
and after talking further with emails and on Skype we decided to start the project, and after I sent the payment their has been a communications blackout with the user.
can any of you help me resolve this problem



  • Eric Chadwick
    What email method are you using?

    How long has it been since the last contact from them?

    I should say, Polycount cannot take responsibility for business transactions between members. We provide an independent communications platform only.

    However we would like to help if we can.

    You can also try the contact method in their Artists Looking For Work thread:
  • MagicSugar
  • huffer
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    huffer interpolator
    Where did you come to that conclusion? The last posts end on a good note
  • supaginge
    i used gmail, Skype and after getting nothing back i tried to pm him on polycount and he as since logged in which i can see from his last active bit

    and the last message i had gotten from him was on the 18th of January saying he was really busy and would sent me some screenshots the following day but since then nothing
  • Eric Chadwick
    Did you pay the full amount before starting work?

    Usually with new clients this is not a good idea, as you haven't established a working history together. It is better to pay in installments, for example a percentage up front and the remainder upon delivery.

    We have some info and advice here about this:

    Unfortunately there's not a lot you can do if the other party refuses to follow through. You could file a report with your local police, and potentially file a lawsuit in court. But often the time sink and costs of a court case are not worth it. If you're in the U.S. there's also Small Claims Court.
  • supaginge
    well since i am in the uk and he is apparently in Italy the police wont do shit 
    so i will probably be forced to dox him and scare him into returning the money and i doubt the banks will do anything ether and this is why i always want to use paypal
  • Eric Chadwick
    I would attempt to contact him a few the other methods first. He has another email on his website, and a cellphone number. It could be his main accounts were hacked, or otherwise disabled. Always better to be sure this is the case, rather than to start doxxing someone.
  • pigart
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    pigart polycounter lvl 6
    I would attempt to contact him a few the other methods first. He has another email on his website, and a cellphone number. It could be his main accounts were hacked, or otherwise disabled. Always better to be sure this is the case, rather than to start doxxing someone.
    If my accounts were hacked and a client had already paid me then I would make sure to create a new account and notify the client as soon as possible. I'm pretty sure everyone else would do that too. The person hasn't messaged OP for over 2 months. I've no idea what would have to happen to not be able to contact someone for that long.
  • Jamie!
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    Jamie! polycounter lvl 7
    While I'm inclined to agree with Pigart, Eric is right. Measure twice and cut once.  Make sure you've exhausted your resources. 
  • Panupat
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    Panupat polycounter lvl 17
    From his profile page, he's still visiting.


    There's no longer IMG tag here? Anyway, I'll be optimistic and say maybe there's some miscommunication going on. Let's tag him and hopefully he'll see this thread and clear up the miscommunications that may have happened.


    If he makes another visit after today and still ignore this, then I guess we would need to flag him as a scammer and remove his thread.

  • almighty_gir
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    almighty_gir ngon master
    Just to weigh in a little, from my point of view as a freelancer:

    Outside of the potential for any of us to turn out to be complete douchebags, i think it's important to recognise that it's very VERY much a buyers market here. We freelancers are trying to sell our services, and there are SO MANY of us, that you have almost all the control.

    Sure, some of us are fortunate and/or hard working enough that we don't need to budge on our rates. But for the most part, you have the power in this relationship.

    What that means for you in the future:
    Shop around! Approach some of the "big shots", you never know you might get lucky and find someone who just thinks your project is cool and is willing to cut a deal. Ideally you should work your way down the pyramid of artists until you find one that's not only right for you, but charges the right money, and most importantly, has a defined presence.

    What is a defined presence?
    for a start, where is digitalfreaky's (i'm using him as the example here but it could be anyone really) portfolio? it's nowhere to be seen. if the artist doesn't have a portfolio that's publicly available and easy to find: red flag! A portfolio will usually contain a resumé or other useful credential that can be used as a measure of their reliability.

    secondly: forum presence.
    Not necessarily here on polycount, but in general it's helpful for them to be well known enough that you can get opinions of them from other people fairly easily... this might be the artists first contract as a freelancer BUT they will still have a reputation from other people as being a hard worker, or is generally trusted within the community.

    Hopefully this all gets worked out for you man. I'd hate for you to be burned as that negatively influences your opinion of freelancers in general... and that hurts me/others. In either case, hopefully you can use this advice in future.

    Feel free to message me if you have any questions.

  • skodone
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    skodone polycounter lvl 2
    i did some quick google and found some weird facts:

    - his deviantart states that hes from japan instead italy? http://fabriziobortolussi.deviantart.com/
    - his linkedin only links to websites that are expired, i found at least 2 website domains he claims to be his that are inactive
    - seems to have several devianart accs too  http://monstermakerclayboy.deviantart.com/
  • pigart
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    pigart polycounter lvl 6
    From his thread:
    I worked on films such as Kill Bill, District 9, Narnia 3, Piranha 3D, Silent Hill: Revelation 3D, commercials at Origami Digital, based in Hollywood, video games such as Plants VS Zombies Garden Warfare CGI trailer (as the art director) and a bunch of horror titles both old gen and next gen.
    I'm currently working as a freelancer/contract artist several projects, both game and film. Plus, working with Neill Blomkamp, Weta Digital/Workshop, Sony, Namco, Studio Ghibli, Production IG, several Oculus VR games and more, I’ve been able to acquire a steely expertise in the professional entertainment world I am so passionate about.
    I also art directed Spectre Seekers, Affected 2 (TBA) and I'm working closely with Oculus VR and with the Unreal Engine 4, Unity Engine and the new Frostbite Engine as creature/texture artist and beta tester.
    Moreover, I teached in various universities (Tokyo, Italy etc) both traditional and digital work for the film industry.
    This being said, I'd be interested in any type of freelance/outsourcing projects available.
    Biggest bullshit. If someone had that much experience and that much networking he would be full with work when freelancing. I doubt he would need to make a thread here.
  • Eric Chadwick
    To be fair, the Japan thing is a residence, and it looks like that info is old. Notice the iPhone4 comment there.

    Anyhow, please do not start down the dox road, it never ends well. Polycount does not condone personal attacks.

    People should be treated as innocent, until there is proof of guilt. There is no proof here. This is a professional matter between two parties, and should be handled privately whenever possible.

    Put away the pitchforks.
  • supaginge
    I have sent a Email to one of his "best friends and a huge source of inspiration" according to this article 
  • Panupat
    Offline / Send Message
    Panupat polycounter lvl 17
    Keep us updated. I'd love to know your conclusion.
  • Neox
    Online / Send Message
    Neox godlike master sticky
    huffer said:
    Where did you come to that conclusion? The last posts end on a good note

    totally forgot about him, he certainly never worked on ori

    just checked moby games and imdb, you would think with all those references the name would pop up. and he uses a different name in the bio on his website. this is all very very fishy. I am sure i know his art, like its made of odd mashups from know works by someone else, i cant remember the artists name.

    sorry Op you probably lost your money.
  • Trym_Studios
    pigart said:
    From his thread:
    Biggest bullshit. If someone had that much experience and that much networking he would be full with work when freelancing. I doubt he would need to make a thread here.
    This is not bullshit. Does he need to work on his communication? definitely, but when he is involved with so many projects its understandable that there is a blackout, that however is not an excuse as every artist should have a set time to do feedback/communication every week.

    And for the record, he is doing a job for us and I have checked his references from the CV he provided, and there was nothing fishy about the feedback we got from them.

  • Magihat
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    Magihat ngon master
    @Trym_Studios I hope you realize that the best thing you could have done was not to bring this dead thread back to life after like 19 months of inactivity. If he actually gives a damn about his own reputation he should have come here and explained things himself, he does still have an account after all. 
  • Trym_Studios
    Magihat said:
    @Trym_Studios I hope you realize that the best thing you could have done was not to bring this dead thread back to life after like 19 months of inactivity. If he actually gives a damn about his own reputation he should have come here and explained things himself, he does still have an account after all. 
    Wrong, because if you do what you are supposed to, which is research the artist, this thread shows up on google. So it does highly matter, don`t you think? And in all honesty, its bad of the thread starter to not update ether (which is asked about in the upper comment), letting people know how it went down. It would help for sure when you do the research and see the thread, that it worked out (or didn`t). It all has to do with the research, so yea, its relevant. 
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