Hi everyone, I want to increase speed and quality of my work. I have a lot to learn
My goal is to post my progress here every single day.
Feedback and constructive critisism would be really appreciated
For the current project I need to finish textuing, and integrate drone in to the footage.
- specular and specular roughness maps - done.
Something happened to Mari lighting, so now there is little difference between basic and full lighting. I'll try to fix it tomorrow and preview drone with all the spec and bump maps.Render in Maya. I still need to tweak specular map, add bump and displacement, add scratches and dusts.
The UVs look auto-unwrapped, not inherently a problem but pretty suboptimal for texel density (surely a lot of those surfaces could use the same UV space). Are you texturing the HP directly?
I did most of the uv's manually. It definatelly needs more work on it.
What's HP?