For awhile now I have thought about getting into tutorials one feature I liked that I have seen in others is on the video they have onscreen shortcuts/key presses displayed. I googled around a bit to no avail, My google Fu is clearly weak today.
So I was wondering if anyone here knows what software is about that does that or maybe it's something I need to enable on windows?
I have not tested to see if it works, but it may be a start.
Ended up just grabbing this and it seems to be what I was after bit more customizable and compact.
@Neox : true, but at least you can then investigate what the shortcut might be ! I did that a few times after watching videos of people who did have on screen hotkey display and it definitely helped. After all you only have to look it up once - I'd rather do that rather than having to watch someone go into menus over and over again