I have a simple shape that I am UV'ing, while i know the current UV layout will work for what I need to do. I'd like to see if i can learn some tips on cleaning up my UVS
this is the shape
these are the UVS
some of the issues that I'm facing
On the image on the left, the UVS are rotated - everytime that I use unfold UV's Maya seems to rotate the shell. is there a way to have maya not rotate the shell?
On the right image - looking for a good way to reduce the stretching of UV's
Sorry, can't help. But I think I heard about a new UV tool bundled with Maya bonus tools.
You have to make the decision to add a seam on the bottom shape and break it into more uv islands.
Both of your problems stem from the same idea, although the right one should be able to reduce stretching by using the 'optimize/relax' command in Maya.
@GlowingPotato - I had heard that there were new UV tools ,ill check bonus tools
However it wouldn't entirely solve your problem, as Quack! noted, the shape of your object is difficult to get distortion-free.