Hi everyone.
I recently worked on Quixel Suite making some nice textures but have a problem when it comes to exporting. I work on Unity 3D and use the export preset but the metalness map comes without the alpha channel which contain the gloss.
The export works fine with tga but they are very heavy and this means I have to manualy reconvert them into PNG to be used.
I had some issue before with the exporter,
like this fellow user who was blocked with just albedo. I installed super PNG and thought it worked but the export is still incomplete.
Does anybody else have this issue? I really need a fix on this. I'd like to sell my products and they need to be PNGs. exporting TGAs and manualy convert them into PNG isn't a solution for mass production.
Could you please re-post this on the Quixel Live Support group? Specifically, on this topic. That way this issue will get the attention it needs immediately.