I have had an issue in my scene where a mr Sky Portal at my window is rendering as black and hiding my environment:

and if I shift it back, you can see the environment fine, it's only the Sky Portal blocking it:

The Sky Portal's 'Visible To Render' box is unchecked and the transparency is white. I have no glass (removed it as there was no reflection and to speed up render). I have tried deleting the Sky Portal and putting a new one in and it still does this. I am using mr Photographic Exposure Control and the Physical Scale is set to Unitless. I am new to Mental Ray (and 3D in general) and I don't know what else I can do. I have to use the daylight system for an assignment which means I also have to have this fixed and rendered by Monday. I'd really, really appreciate any help I can get on this problem.
I also need an answer to this question.