The Dark Prince:
Goal: Xyodin wanted power and strength and the ability to take on foes on any plain.
Xyodin discovered an ancient witches dwelling while on one of his many journey's looking for anything or person whom could fulfill his wish, he found a trinket which looked very valuable though it was over a small lake within the witches lair, while claiming the trinket he was attacked by a bat and a snake and fell into the lake. Unknowing to him he just encountered "the elements or Land, Sea and Air", the cursed trinket granted his wish as it once did for the witch. He had his desires fulfilled but it was at a great cost, he was hideous and could not retain his kingdom and riches, now walks the earth seeking out the witch.
Latest stage:
25,760 tris, this took a while, i went ham i guess.
Trinket in story, might try to get away with it as is.
Progress #1:
Colors (prob) & Wings.
Edited: Updated.
The wings are Pteradon wings if anyone is wondering.
Edit 2:
Figuring out what to do as far as accessories and possible cloths go, perhaps a weapon but he's pretty op by himself i think.
The Symbol/emblem design on his head you can't really see is his kingdom's crest which is his name, the X's on the cylinder objects is his initial.
Just updating as per what the participation thread states.
pose test (thinking of no wings...idk, input?)
Update info: Sorting "anatomy (bone structure/length) issues", retopologizing for game mesh atm (this is how i spotted the issue).
Design Break down (for those that care): A little more info and break down on whats going on here for anyone confused or wanting to know more.
Upper torso is a "beast design" mixed with a shark, the wings i explained about above,
the "would be feet/legs" are a combo of legs (Thighs / lower leg) and then transition into elbow arm + hand style 'feet' that can grab like an eagle or regular hand.
You can also think of the "legs" as just arms and maybe that will help, so I want the wings to grab also, so if the above is true he would have 6 "arms", and the 3 snake tails would equal the lower half. So centaur / snake - serpent / bat - shark / human hybrid.
Complications atm: I tried using the Noise option in zbrush but any noise turns out to not look so hot for what i want I also never really used it.
Image updates when I make them, rushing is not helping, half way done with retopo.
Just updating, i made the meshes in quad so that i can add details if i feel like it.
Also higher count cause why not, we have 100k.
Generating ideas atm for the pose scene, stuff..
Maybe this makes more sense now seeing him posed, that is the idea i want 2nd image is the point i tried to get across.
Might change to two maps learning we can use 4, maybe change it maybe not I want to enter the artstation one also just because i enjoy when all the artists are doing stuff almost "together", obviously again i'll try to create an semi-original idea.
Hope you like this, i might change the wings up to closed over him, this was a quick and dirty pose hence texture +errors.
^ almost exactly how i want it in the end, obviously with better lighting and such. Hope someone likes it, drew it up today as well as the pedestal.
might not zbush it.
Also split the maps already and i made this to cover up the space i had, will have a chain or rope.
Edit this is why that one hand is open, he was looking at it before looking up.
Going to try to do more to it but idk, time is tightening up.
Now onto bakes, textures, unwrap this thing, texture, fix pose, lighting, final.
Idk... i would have been ontime...
Enjoy it anyway, thanks peeps was fun and great.
I felt this video would be better for those that want to see more.
Anywho, thank you Jerc especially for letting me know, we ha a thunder storm in my area and that caused issues but thanks.
Here is the video for those that want to see more:
^Trying to embed.
Sorted out the stuff and things for my folio:
Did not change anything, cause i'm not a douche like that.
But thanks for the comments I might revisit him since i "designed" it if i learn anything new, was looking for a post for somone and just came across your reply thanks again.