Can you post a screenshot of the issue next time it occurs? At my workplace we saw a strange bug in maya 2015 yesterday where after cutting a mesh an unselectable vertex jumped to a spiky position somewhere of the model. I am curious if this is the same issue ( if it is i still got no solution sorry ^^ )
Or if it looks like this were a vertex goes off into infinity like here in ut ( I actually saw stuff like this even back with ut 98 ... I think that happend only in open gl ) :
or this blood particle effect in just cause: if its more like this I am inclined to agree with antweiler that this is probably either an openGL VS DirectX or a driver issue.
So yeah maybe try switching viewport 2.0 to legacy and than cycle through open gl and the variosue dx versions and see if it happens in all of these permutations or not:
Most likely hardware or drivers, I had similar issues on a normal mesh on a different machine last year. If you can't test newer drivers (or even old ones), you can also try using a different viewport renderer.
I've just completely reinstalled the graphics drivers with the latest version, clean install. Made sure Maya was updated to the latest version + had only just reinstalled it as well. Changed the Viewport renderer to Dx11, tried the legacy viewport but it didn't seem to improve anything.
I guess all I can do is keep trying to do my work, and if these issues happen again, I'll be back! (although by then my PC will be lying in a crater on the pavement below my office window).
I had this issue at one point, and it was basically a precursor to my graphics card dying. I didn't game much at the time, but I would have random verts in maya shoot off into infinity. I don't know how to definitively verify this, some say to try running furmark and see if it makes it all the way through but this can very well accelerate the death of the card. So try to have some sort of replacement on hand or run the test while stores are open.
1)was the geometry modeled in maya or did you transfer import it from max/modo/blender ?
2)once its in the fucked up state if you save it to a new temporary file (with a different name obviously) does it still look fucked up once you closed maya started it up again and opened that other temp file? basically is this a display issue or are the actual positions of things scrambled ?!
Spikes... forgive me if this is too basic, but are you deleting your history on those models frequently? I usually see UVs go haywire like that when an object has an extensive construction history.
Shading/ripples... This looks like a clipping issue on your perspective camera. Go to view > select camera in your perspective view then open the attribute editor. You will see a near and far clip value. These are distances where Maya will hide geometry that is too close or too far from the camera. You can get z fighting artifacts if the difference between the near and far values are too extreme.
I'm not so sure those ripples are clipping plane artifacts, I can't say i've seen them do that kind of ripple personally, but worth a shot, but won't solve the spiking. +1 to construction history and warbys suggestion. I might try duplicating a set of cubes, moving them, duplicating, moving, etc; just to see if you can force it to happen with an overload of primitives. You don't look like you're running super highpoly or loaded scenes. (or even mess with uvs on a single cube)
So I was playing around with Uv's lately... if you try to merge objects that have their UV's on seperate UV maps, it causes this crazy. My solution was copying my UV's to a single map then merging the objects. I've also come to a complete frustration that working with multiple UV's for multiple objects in Maya is a complete shit-show. Maya crashes left and right when you do... especially any sort of scaling. I'm working in Maya LT.
Or if it looks like this were a vertex goes off into infinity like here in ut ( I actually saw stuff like this even back with ut 98 ... I think that happend only in open gl ) :
or this blood particle effect in just cause:
if its more like this I am inclined to agree with antweiler that this is probably either an openGL VS DirectX or a driver issue.
So yeah maybe try switching viewport 2.0 to legacy and than cycle through open gl and the variosue dx versions and see if it happens in all of these permutations or not:
I guess all I can do is keep trying to do my work, and if these issues happen again, I'll be back! (although by then my PC will be lying in a crater on the pavement below my office window).
1)was the geometry modeled in maya or did you transfer import it from max/modo/blender ?
2)once its in the fucked up state if you save it to a new temporary file (with a different name obviously) does it still look fucked up once you closed maya started it up again and opened that other temp file? basically is this a display issue or are the actual positions of things scrambled ?!
Shading/ripples... This looks like a clipping issue on your perspective camera. Go to view > select camera in your perspective view then open the attribute editor. You will see a near and far clip value. These are distances where Maya will hide geometry that is too close or too far from the camera. You can get z fighting artifacts if the difference between the near and far values are too extreme.