Hi Folks,
So I am trying to implement a tessellation effect which will tessellate near the camera and lessen the further away it is from the camera (as you might expect).
I have been trying to do this using a distance based solution which I use for blend textures out to avoid tiling repetition, but this doesn't seem to be working. Its been suggested to me to use a Remap module but I always found that node a little unintuitive.
Below is the node tree in question - does anyone have any suggestions? Ideally I would be able to set a maximum tessellation amount, a minimum amount, a distant value to say where it should blend and also a falloff.
Any help would be super appreciated
that number, let's call it x, is then raised to the power of zero to one, so it now equal anything from x to 1
That number is now clamped from zero to one, but it will always equal 1 because it can never be less than one
Therefore, you will always have a one going into your lerp, therefore your tesselation will always be tess min, which is 1, so you will never have any tesselation
Easier way to do it is just take your distance, decide on a range max and min, remap that to between 0 and 1, and use that to lerp between your min and max tesselation values.