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Answered: mask broken between ddo and 3do

polycounter lvl 3
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versan polycounter lvl 3
I have a really annoying problem. As long as I make mask in ddo without 3do painting, my mask is ok between photoshop layers and ddo layers. As soon as a make mask in 3do painting, the mask cannot be modified in ddo. (Only appear what i made in ddo).
In the fact, what i make in 3Do only can be modified with 3do. it not appear with ddo. And it' really annoying because at last i need to work only with ddo to not broke my workflow.


  • Synaesthesia
    Offline / Send Message
    Synaesthesia polycounter
    Hey Versan, may I see a video of this problem in action? :smile: 
  • versan
    Offline / Send Message
    versan polycounter lvl 3
    I've reply but admin doesn't post it...
    So another time :
    Of course, done and downloadable here : https://mega.nz/#!GBkEybgB!zllzBBEVUOOdqIhMeEY1Y7lkq12KhK_sMpGw50HDLJE
    To know : I have a few personal layers on top of stack (references etc...). I have custom paint masking layers too.

    Another video to show you how bugged it is : https://mega.nz/#!vU02VCSK!nW30KXJExcLpi1aJnHj58Og3VRXyc95mWrTbX8dPj60
    In first the good map done in ddo (00:22).
    I open masking editor and it show a fully blurred mask, I don't know why ! (00:41)
    I close mask editor and it show me the result with 3do paint i've made (little erase or rust on the corner) (00:58).
    Then I re open ddo masking editor and now it show me the mask made in ddo (first texture result) without erasing done in 3do.... (01:07)
    I close and 3do result is now showed. (01:16)
    I open ddo masking editor and now ddo mask is showed (01:23) and so on and so on...
    So i cannot work with 3do for painting because of all those bugged things. If i DO NOT work a single time with 3do, i don't have any problem with masks.
    So i use 3do only for result viewing, and it is a real pity.

    notice : I can easily work with ddo masking and custom paint layers without any bugged thing, 3do is the only problem for me.

    Thanks for your hard work.

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