Hey friends! 4 years later, we have some things we wanted to show you! First, here are links where you can check out everyone on the team’s work. We'll make a post per character over the next few days.
Character Art
Vinod Rams - Sr. Concept Artist, http://www.vinodrams.tumblr.com
Devon Cady-Lee - Sr. Concept Artist, http://gorrem.tumblr.com
Katy Hargrove - Sr. Character Artist, http://www.katyhargrove.com
Jeff Mianowski - Sr. Character Artist, http://www.mianowskiart.com/
Ted Lockwood - Sr. Character Artist, http://steamymountains.com/
Joe Pikop - Lead Character Artist, http://somuchmonsters.com/portfolio/
Chris Venturini - Lead Animator
Ben Freedman - Sr. Animator
Joe Han - Sr. Animator, https://vimeo.com/joehanimation
Jeremy Fones - Sr. Animator, https://vimeo.com/user7780477
Kyle Dahl - Sr. Animator, https://vimeo.com/kyledahl
Kishore Vijay - Sr. Cinematics Animator, http://kishorevijay.com/
Matthew Oswald - Sr. Cinematic Artist, https://www.behance.net/mographitup
Zachariah Scott - Sr. Cinematic Artist
Michael Puoci - Lead FX Artist, http://puoci.com/
Mark Eaton - Sr. FX Artist, https://vimeo.com/markeaton
Shen Spurgeon - Sr. FX Artist, https://vimeo.com/spurgeons
Environment Art
Tomas Gomez, Lead Environment Artist http://artoftomasgomez.blogspot.com/
Matthew Barrett, Sr. Environment Concept Artist http://mattpostsarthere.blogspot.com/
Lisa Fleck, Sr. Environment Artist http://www.lisafleckcg.com/
Sam Kirk - Lead UI/UX
Nick Wiley - Artist/Designer http://www.nickwiley.com/
Lexxy Douglass - Illustrator, http://www.alexandra-douglass.com/
Eric Dagley - Illustrator, http://ericdagley.iseenothing.com/
Levin Sadsad - http://www.okdomo.com/#/
Technical Art
Patrick Corwin - Lead Technical Artist
Patrick Axlen - Technical Artist
Concept Art: Vinod Rams
High Poly: Joe Pikop
Game Model: Joe Pikop
FX: Mike Puoci
Illustration: Eric Dagley
Skill Icons: Nick Wiley
Concept: Devon Cady-Lee
High Poly: Katy Hargrove
Low Poly: Katy Hargrove
Illustration: Lexxy Douglas
Skill Icons: Nick Wiley
Low Poly: Katy Hargrove
Illustration: Lexxy Douglas
Skill Icons: Nick Wiley
Concept: Jeff Mianowski (Head detail by Devon Cady-Lee)
High Poly: Jeff Mianowski
Low Poly: Jeff Mianowski
Illustration: Eric Dagley
Skill Icons: Nick Wiley
Concept: Vinod Rams
High poly: Ted Lockwood
Illustration: Lexxy Douglass
Skill Icons: Lexxy Douglass
Concept: Devon Cady-Lee
High Poly: Katy Hargrove
Low Poly: Katy Hargrove
Illustration: Lexxy Douglass
Skill Icons: Nick Wiley
Concept: Vinod Rams
Hi Poly: Ted Lockwood
Low Poly: Ted Lockwood
Illustration: Lexxy Douglass
Skill Icons: Nick Wiley
Looking forward to the environment breakdown!
I read on the website that you guys had to do big layoffs
Thanks for sharing
High Poly: Katy Hargrove
Low Poly: Katy Hargrove
Illustration: Eric Dagley
Skill Icons: Nick Wiley
Concept by Vinod Rams
Hi Poly by Ted Lockwood
Low Poly by Ted Lockwood
Illustration by Lexxy Douglass
Skill icons by Nick Wiley
Concept by Devon Cady-Lee
Hi Poly by Joe Pikop
Low Poly by Joe Pikop
Illustrastion by Lexxy Dougless (Aisling) and Eric Dagley (Sir Cador)
Skill icons by Nick Wiley
Concept by Devon Cady-Lee
Hi Poly by Ted Lockwood
Low Poly by Ted Lockwood
Illustration by Lexxy Douglass
Skill icons by Nick Wiley
Concept Art: Vinod Rams
High Poly: Joe Pikop
Low Poly: Joe Pikop
Illustration: Eric Dagley
Skill Icons: Nick Wiley
Hi Poly by Ted Lockwood (I dont know why the face is shiny)
Low Poly by Ted Lockwood
Illustration by Lexxy Douglass
Skill Icons by Nick Wiley
Concept: Vinod Rams
High Poly: Joe Pikop
Low Poly: Joe Pikop
Skill icons: Nick Wiley
Concept: Devon Cady-Lee
High Poly: Katy Hargrove
Low Poly: Katy Hargrove
Illustration: Eric Dagley
Skill Icons: Nick Wiley
Concept by Devon Cady-Lee
Hi Poly by Katy Hargrove
Low Poly by Katy Hargrove
Illustration by Eric Dagley
Skill icons by Nick Wiley
Concept: Vinod Rams
High Poly: Joe Pikop
Low Poly: Joe Pikop
Illustration: Eric Dagley
Skill Icons: Nick Wiley
I think that's the last hero!! I'll try and answer some of the questions posted soon! High fiveeeeee!