Edit 03-08
Got everything done! Tried some new things too which is always good, such as baking techniques and high-poly modeling. I previously mentioned I was going to use Quixel Suite 2 but I had massive technical problems, and after a wasted day, I used Painter. Looking forward to using it for a different project though. Hope you all like it, please leave any feedback/comments if you can!

Hi all.
Making another weapon for a project at the moum and it's the handgun from BF4. I really liked the designs and shapes, plus I wanted to texture something using Quixel Suite 2. Just a project to practice my hard surface skills and trying to work on my speed as well. I intend this to be a FPS weapon. Feedback and crits are most welcome.
Here are some renders from the block-out!

cylinder looks too small and hammer is wrong but I assume a place holder
How did you make that cut out shape at the top of the grip by trigger guard?
looking forward to more!
Thanks for the feedback. Can you explain further about why the hammer is wrong? I am basing it primarily on this version.
And for the indent what I did in 3DS Max was I took a cube, added about 4 segments for each side then used the Spherify Modifier to get a quaded sphere (easier to clean up extra geo when I used ProBoolean). Next I used an FFD 3x3x3 modifier to conform the sphere to the indent shape like on the actual weapon. Lastly I used ProBoolean to cut the shape into the weapon. Hope that helps!
I also had a quick question! I want to possibly add a laser dot and/or a optic sight add-on. Do each of those add-ons get their own uv space? Or do you usually combine all add-ons to one sheet? Would appreciate some clarification with that! Thanks!