First Post Edit Final Submission
Full Frame Shot
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Wire Frame
UV Sheets
Thank you to everyone that provided feedback. This was a fun opportunity, and my first contest to enter. I wish all of you luck I have seen some amazing work on this thread. For all of you keep up the good work and I hope to see you on the forums.
Original First Post
Here is my intro, I am getting a slower start than I wanted but things will come around. Please feel free to give me feedback.
Character creation thoughts: Not all Beast are born nor is it in all of their nature. Some Beast are created due to the cruelness of others.
Inspiration and Reference Material:
I am concepting this model as I go, but I do have a quick sketch over of my Zbrush base to help give me some direction. (The final product may not resemble this at all.)
My progress so far.
Base mesh after zsphere's.
And some progress shots.
I think I am pretty much done with blocking out the concept of this guy. I'm going to start in on all the fun details now.
I got this guys sitting pose from watching my 4 year old, I like the innocence that it has.
This Beast has been created, he has been mistreated since birth and used as a monster, so he does not know any other way other than being a savage beast. Because of this I want the viewer to have mixed feelings of compassion and fear. The same type of feelings that you would have for a wild animal that has been hurt or diseased and you just want to help it, but you can't because you know if you get too close it will hurt/kill you.
To help out, I will be giving him a dandelion that he will be blowing on in the final product.
If you have any love or hate you want to share with me I would love to hear about it.
Right now since I have the extra time I am pushing my textures and tweaking the lighting. This is only a test shot, the first screen I took after importing to Marmoset and adding some quick lights. His eye will get some love too.
Full Frame Shot
Close Up Shot
Wire Frame
UV Sheets
Thank you to everyone that provided feedback. This was a fun opportunity, and my first contest to enter. I wish all of you luck I have seen some amazing work on this thread. For all of you keep up the good work and I hope to see you on the forums.
The following tools were used in the creation of this entry.
3ds Max
Substance Painter
Marmoset Toolbag 2.0
All textures were done in Substance Painter. Photoshop was used for some UV and color correction.
Story Text Format