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Sketchbook: Lauren Fujishima

polycounter lvl 5
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Lauren polycounter lvl 5
Hi! My name is Lauren and I'll be posting my work/WIP's here. Any critiques would be very much appreciated!


  • Lauren
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    Lauren polycounter lvl 5
    I'm working on fan art of Usalia, a character from Disgaea 5. She's so adorable... The goal for the final image is to pose her on top of her yellow prinny (the squishy penguin thing). Mayyybe with her idle animation. I'm going for a style similar to Disney Infinity.

    There are a few things I'm not sure how to approach yet:
    - Should I sculpt in some wrinkles where the elbows are even though her arm will be mainly straight?
    - How to handle the fuzzies on her earmuffs/tail and jacket trim (snake hook brush or maybe make a custom brush?)
    - Should I make the wrinkles on each of the ears/sleeves different?
    - Anything I can do to improve the face? It seems a little flat, but giving her a more pronounced nose seems to throw off the likeness of the character.

    Thanks in advance for any suggestions or critiques! In the meantime, I'll keep refining wrinkles and her hair, along with adding the floopy parts of her hoodie and scarf in the back.
  • Lauren
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    Lauren polycounter lvl 5
    A low poly bust of Ares from the show Xena, an update to Usalia, and a derp bear. I'll probably add the top part of Ares' vest to make him more recognizable.

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