Hey there, i have been fiddeling around with Quixel Suite and UE4 for a while now trying to get the most out of material functions. But there is something that still confuses me greatly when i setup my materials.
When i export RMA packed from quixel, what channel ends up beeing what map exactly? I cant really tell from within unreal.
To me it seems like (R) Might be Albedo or Roughness, while (G) Has to be Metalness and (B) looks alot like (R) but maybe a higher tint, is there anyone that can just clear this up for me?
But im guessing (R)Albedo(G)Metal(B)Rough ?
RMA stands for Roughness - Metalness - Ambient Occlusion. It's 1-1 with RGB. Red is Roughness, Green is Metalness, and Blue is Ambient Occlusion.