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Answered: Adding text and other symbology.

polycounter lvl 5
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Ingsoc75 polycounter lvl 5
What would be the correct workflow to add text and other symbols while using 2.10?  

Right now I just create it using PS layers on the Albedo map but didn't know if there was a better way using the DDO layers.


  • Synaesthesia
    Offline / Send Message
    Synaesthesia polycounter
    The way you're going about it is correct! :smile: There are other methods that involve using the transparency of each color to define a mask which you can use as a decal layer, but the way you're doing it is significantly faster. Use the dDo menu to Copy Layer to All Maps, and apply that layer to your gloss/specular/roughness maps. Let me know if you need any assistance! :smile: 
  • Ingsoc75
    Offline / Send Message
    Ingsoc75 polycounter lvl 5
    The way you're going about it is correct! :smile: There are other methods that involve using the transparency of each color to define a mask which you can use as a decal layer, but the way you're doing it is significantly faster. Use the dDo menu to Copy Layer to All Maps, and apply that layer to your gloss/specular/roughness maps. Let me know if you need any assistance! :smile: 
    Awesome. That works. Thanks for the tip.
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