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Answered: dDo & 3DO Problems

I just bought the suite yesterday and was so excited to start trying it out.
Using W10 and Photoshop CC (v.2014 for reasons). 64bit versions of it all.
Gfx-card is a gtx580 with the latest drivers.

I have downloaded a few of the example projects from the site to play with.
It seems 3do can't seem to load the maps from the ddo session. If I load the helmet project, and its maps, create a base materials (smart mat), and go to look at it in 3do, it just shows the model with a superbright fully reflective shader. Looking through the channels dropdown in 3do, all channels show default flat fills (white, black, gray etc.)
In fact, after trying the TorFrickPetrol project, 3do always opens with the "speeder" model in its view, but with no materials (gray default). I can not get 3do to show my current mesh.
I have run both photoshop and quixel suite as admin earlier, and even tried to do this while both were running as admin, tried launching photoshop prior to the suite ....
I'm stumped.
Is this a W10 issue?


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