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Answered: (Sometimes random) creation of smart materials in random places

polycounter lvl 3
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aintnobody polycounter lvl 3
I've finally gotten my head around using DDO Painter and I'm loving it. The results are fantastic. I want to use it forever. Just one thing...

I'm having issues with creating a new Smart Material and it getting created anywhere BUT where I want it to be.

For example today, I had a stack of 3 materials grouped each in a folder: Group A, Group B, Group C. Now I wanted to create a 4th folder, D, and I wanted it above or below C (or failing that, inside of C). Well, it just kept getting created inside of Folder B, no matter that I wasn't even selecting it (and kept selecting C instead). Over and over, no matter what I did, it would go there, and I'm puzzled as to why.

Also, another time before, I was just mousing over a layer, and suddenly I found myself inside a different folder, with a copy of the folder I was previously in, inside that other folder, and another copy of itself within it. And all that happened when I was just mousing over a layer. I had to delete the extra folders, and I have to say copies of materials getting randomly created is something that happens pretty frequently.

And when I do want to create a material, I feel like I have not a very strong control over where it'll be created, it's random almost half of the time, and sometimes I have to start over and create a new project and hope it'll work.


  • Synaesthesia
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    Synaesthesia polycounter
    When creating a layer, material, or Smart Material, I find it useful to avoid having anything selected and then simply dragging the object into the position I desire. If you want an object created inside of a group, you must be inside of the group to do so. If you'd prefer it outside of the group, you can choose where to place it when dDo asks (if you're working within a group) and move it where you'd like.

    The rest of your issue sounds strange - this is something I'd like for you to report at the Live Support Facebook group. Please tag Teddy when you're there (our main programmer for the Suite) and he'll take a look at this ASAP. :smile: Sorry about the trouble!
  • aintnobody
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    aintnobody polycounter lvl 3
    I also tried to not have a folder selected of course, but it seems like it's impossible. I click anywhere outside of the stack, but whichever folder I was last in stays selected. Is it supposed to work but it is bugging for me ?

    I even tried going inside of folder C to create my Folder D in it, but it would still get created inside of Folder B, every time ! It was maddening.

    And because it kept going inside of Folder B no matter what, and I could not move it out of it or to another folder, unless that's another bug,  I ended up created a new project for each texturing variation I'm trying to make of the same mesh. Also when I'm inside of a folder, sometimes Quixel asks me if I want the Smart Material created inside of it, but sometimes it doesn't ask me and just creates it inside without the dialog box warning in between.

    And ok, I will report these various issues tomorrow. I don't use Facebook, tho... but I guess I will have to. Or can I Just send an email to support ?
  • Synaesthesia
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    Synaesthesia polycounter
    Deselecting works identically to how it does in Windows: CTRL+LMB on a layer will deselect. :smile:

    I could post the issue for you, but working with you in real-time requires a Facebook account. The best I can do is relay messages back and forth. I imagine you'd like to speak directly with the developers, and our Live Support group is the only method we currently use that can get this resolved quickly. Let me know how you'd like to approach this.
  • aintnobody
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    aintnobody polycounter lvl 3
    I didn't know about deselecting using CTRL. Normally, I just click outside of the stack and it's enough. That's 1 out of 2 resolved, then. :)

    About the other issue. It just happened again, just to confirm I'm not hallucinating this, because it's so weird and befuddling every time... So I was in Folder B. Then I left Quixel and Photoshop alone for a bit, barely touching my PC, and when I came back to it 15mn later, I was in a copy of B inside of Folder A.

    I have kind of a dummy Facebook account that I never use that I guess I will have to actually use. I'm going to first have to figure out tagging and posting to a group, and joining it too, so my post may make it to the group tomorrow.
  • Synaesthesia
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    Synaesthesia polycounter
    Tagging is simple - just type @Teddy and Teddy Bergsman Lind will pop up when you're in the group. Click his name and it'll tag him. :smile: Posting is also pretty simple - just enter a new post in the text field and you're good to go!
  • aintnobody
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    aintnobody polycounter lvl 3
    Thank you for the instructions. I'll wait for my pending request to go through then. :)
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