Man great work. Looking at your wall mounted computer I might say that if you wanted a player to engaged with it more try changing the shape language. Perhaps change the angle of the panels by 45 to fan outwards so the lines sweep to the important computer scene. And since it is sci fi kinda try using really consistence direction and angles of diagonal lines. This helps with the flow of a piece. I know this a lot of crit over a small part of the scene but this kind of attention really builds up the rest of the scene.
@studio2a3d Thank you for your feedback I'm going to put that in my notes. @Lou_ Thanks man could you do a quick paint over of what you mean I think I get what you are saying about the angles and leading lines but if you have the time could you please show me an example I would really appreciate that.
Made some changes because the Station was way too big and I was having trouble filling it up. I'm going to be adding the props back in just so that I can get a feel for where stuff should be. This is the old Scene: This space was super big. This is the new space: I reworked all of the main walls as well as the train I show more shots of that soon. I'm not 100% happy with it but I think it's a little better than what I had before.
Here is a broken concrete material that I have been working on for the scene for the walls I was thinking maybe one section of the station tunnel was blown up.
Hope this helps
@Lou_ Thanks man could you do a quick paint over of what you mean I think I get what you are saying about the angles and leading lines but if you have the time could you please show me an example I would really appreciate that.
This is the old Scene:
This space was super big.
This is the new space:
I reworked all of the main walls as well as the train I show more shots of that soon. I'm not 100% happy with it but I think it's a little better than what I had before.
You might want to set up a material blend based on height for that broken concrete texture.