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Answered: Awesome, but with some stings...

polycounter lvl 2
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Derjyn polycounter lvl 2
I recently got Quixel Suite and am loving it so far. Doubt I have to get on a box about how great it is around these parts. That being said; I've run into several issues I wanted to bring up, if not for bringing them to Quixel's attention, perhaps somebody has fixes. I've done a bit of searching and reading about, but have not found solutions to my issues. So, here we go:

Custom smart materials break at random. I've gone through all manners of different ways of creating smart materials, all using the built in Quixel content. I have several modular meshes for my scene that I need to paint up. Initially, without even thinking I pulled in one piece, got a good material layer setup going, and painted away for an hour or so. Then I grouped the material setup and attempted to save it as a smart material. Error: the specified parameter cannot be found. But wait, Material Saved Successfully! No, just generic thumbnails were saved. Close everything down, try again.

My material setup was simple: base metal layer, paint on top of that, scratches, finally dirt. 4 materials. The second or third attempt to save custom material was met with success. This is after a couple more hours of fiddling around and searching the far reaches of the net. I start painting again, after starting a new project, re-importing my mesh, normals, ao and curvature maps. Tried to apply my smart material, only to find it loads, but is all messed up. Firstly, dirt on top had a totally black mask in the material I saved. The one that loads is white. Paint layer has no normals for some reason.

I've literally spent the day fighting with this, mainly to get down the workflow here, but also because my scene's meshes need consistency. Edges meet up with bare metal, dirt gathers in similar places, etc. The fact that values in the smart material are not consistent, means I have to triple check everything with one good working project. This is not ideal, of course. It's tripling the time it takes to get my scene painted up. I'm really hoping I'm missing something stupid at this point. My last attempt at saving and working with a smart material resulted in a four-letter word in the file name...

Couple other things that are annoying:
* Photoshop restarts randomly when exiting a Quixel session. It's not deterministic at all, totally random.
* 3do doesn't always show changes, even with a force-refresh.
* Painting stops working at random, though is more frequent when tinkering with sliders outside of the 3do/paint window. Have to save mask (cross fingers), then close 3do window and open again, then start mask painting after that to get it to work for sure.

Sorry for the novel here. I really hope someone has some tips here. I have a decent enough rig: Core i5, 16GB RAM, GTX 750Ti 4GB OC. I doubt my specs are to blame though. I'll be perusing the forum here to see if I can gather anymore intel.


  • Synaesthesia
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    Synaesthesia polycounter
    Hey Derjyn!

    Thanks for the reports - we'll be looking into this. The Smart Materials should function correctly under all circumstances - if you can consistently reproduce the problem you've described, please let me know (and what process you took to reproduce the issue) and I'll make sure it gets fixed. :smile:

    Photoshop restarting generally happens if you close Photoshop before you close the Suite - it brings Photoshop back up in the case that you accidentally closed it while working.

    Can you explain more about 3DO not refreshing? Also, some more information regarding 3D painting problems would also be very helpful. :smile:

    Your system specifications meet and exceed the requirements, so no worries there!
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